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I would say it is a sign that you are not pregnant.

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That sounds like the ending of your period, "dried blood", it's brown or black colored. Since there must be a possibility of pregnancy, please consult your doctor immediately.

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Q: Could you be pregnant if you are spotting for two weeks and the blood goes from light red to light brown to dark brown?
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You had brown spotting and very heavy period last month would you be pregnant?

The fact that you had a period suggests that you're not pregnant, however this isn't always the case. the brown spotting could simply be the blood drying.

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Possibly - take a test

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What is brown spotting?

brown spotting is just what is sounds like. old blood is brown. spotting describes the result of drops of blood on a surface. thus, old blood drops=brown spotting.

5 weeks and spotting is brownish and now reddish?

It could be impantation spotting. If you had sex within a day of the spotting starting it could be from the cervix. However if it is changing to red you need to go to see a doctor asap, and make sure your not having a miscarriage. When I was first pregnant with my baby I had spotting without sex and it was from implantation but it was brown blood which is old blood. Red blood is fresh blood!! Good luck.

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Sounds like smear blood. You might or might not be pregnant. Better have a proper test made.

Im 11 and half weeks pregnant with brown blood for 1 week?

Brown color spotting during the first trimester could be due to implantation bleeding, this is normal. There are many reasons why brown spotting may occur, many of these reasons are perfectly normal. However, it is always a good idea to check with your doctor, just to be sure.

Test show not pregnant No period 2 weeks after and started spotting brown color Are you pregnant?

Possibly, yes. Even when used properly, not every hpt is 100% reliable. The brown spotting could be due to a pregnancy implanting itself in the womb, and the colour of the spotting could mean that the weight of the pregnancy is putting slight pressure on the cervix, dislodging any old blood that is laying around up there. Please visit someone who specialises in this area and get yourself a definitive answer.

What is light Brown spotting only when wiping?

Hi, Your question is: What is light brown spotting only when wiping? Brown spotting is old blood and can indicate several things: * UTI * Vaginal infection * Left over blood from your period * Pregnancy * Withdrawal bleed from birth control * Spotting due to morning after pill

What does it mean if you are on the pill and have been spotting red-brown blood and have sore breasts?

I would go to the doctor if i were you. Best of luck. you could be pregnant but there might be a problem. I had brown spotting which lead to a period and i miscarried. You need to go to the doctor and get an ultrasound done and blood tests best of luck Brown blood means old blood. This can be a indication of pregnancy. See your doctor for a blood test because of your irregular periods.

Is it common to have brown spotting when you ovulate you were ovulating on Thurs today on Saturday you have some brown spotting?

you could be pregnant, it might be early to take HPT but go see your doctor if you like to find out. i hopre this hepls.good luck!!

Brown spotting after cvs?

Very common. Brown blood is old blood and should not be too concerning. If you begin spotting red blood or experience cramping you should contact your OB.