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It seems logical, apart from outright death- practically any kind of injury or trauma could occur from a severe automobile accident- injuries leading to loss of limbs ( amputations) damage to the female genital organs CAN happen with a lateral or side impact ( given the grave nature of this disability I would hesitate to use the slang term, side-swipe. It could trigger a miscarriage, let us repress the bomb-trigger analogy!

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When the body is subject to physical trauma such as in an automobile accident which organs are the most vulnerable to injury homeostatic imbalance?

I believe that the kidneys, brain, and lungs are most vulnerable to accidental trauma, but the heart, kidney, brain, eyes would be more open to direct trauma, such as a strike or directional impact.

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He suffered severe trauma in the accident. The loss of her parents was a severe trauma for the young girl.

Why do people die in a car accident?

Physical trauma.

What traumatic injuries may take quite a while to heal?

An automobile accident or a gunshot wound, for example, can cause severe facial trauma that may require multiple surgical procedures and a considerable amount of time to heal.

What is Trauma Does it has any types?

Trauma is a response to an event that a person find highly stressfull. Example including being in a war zone or an accident. There are also various types of trauma.

Is urinary bladder is least likely to be damaged in an automobile accident?

No, the urinary bladder is at risk of being damaged in an automobile accident, especially if there is blunt trauma to the lower abdomen. The bladder is a hollow organ that can rupture or tear if subjected to significant force, which can result in serious complications and the need for medical intervention.

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A trauma is often caused by a crisis. A crisis is the issue, often an emergency, accident or negative undertaking, that may result in trauma.

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The phrase would be blunt force trauma. An injury caused by the impact of a blunt object either by accident or design.

Trauma of the colon in a car accident?

That could also be described as an abdominal injury.

How can traumatic injury be prevented?

Safety equipment is vital to preventing maxillofacial trauma from automobile accidents and sports.

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What is an example sentence for the word trauma?

After surviving the car accident, she experienced severe emotional trauma and was unable to drive again for months.