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yes it can SADLY <33333333333333

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Q: Could minocycline cause a negative pregnancy test result?
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The negative sign in result window was really light could it be a false negative?

Home pregnancy test can be wrong but any mark in the result window, even if very faint, is positive for pregnancy. Retake the test...the best time to test is in the morning when your urine is concentrated.

Positive pregnancy result 5 days later bleeding and negative result week later yolk like mucus could you be ovulating again so soon?

You need to confirm the positive pregnancy test result with your Doctor. See your Doctor for a pregnancy blood test. Pregnancy does cause a increase in vaginal discharge.

Could using meth cause a false negative pregnacey?

Using meth should not cause a false negative pregnancy test result. Pregnancy tests detect the presence of the hormone hCG in urine, which is produced during pregnancy. Drug use should not interfere with this process.

Your hcg is 15.9 but your urine pregnancy test is negative what might be your condition?

Urine pregnancy tests normally detect &gt;25. A result below that could indicate very early pregnancy, or the tail end of a miscarriage.

Can you test positive with a urine pregnancy test and negative on the blood?

Yes, it is possible to have a positive result on a urine pregnancy test and a negative result on a blood pregnancy test. This could be due to differences in the sensitivity of the tests or the timing of the tests relative to the hormone levels in the body. It is recommended to confirm with a healthcare provider for further evaluation.

Can Clomid cause negative pregnancy tests My stomach is growing and I feel very much movement but all my preg. tests are negative. Can that happen?

If your stomach is growing and you have negative pregnancy tests, you need to see a physician. This could be a result of a benign mass (cyst), an infection, or any other number of things that could be harmful in the long run if ignored. You shouldn't feel movement in your abdomen early during the pregnancy.

What is the likely hood of being pregnant with a negative result?

It is more common for home pregnancy tests to give a false negative than a false positive. You could be testing too soon. Home pregnancy tests are considered accurate 14-16 days after ovulation.

Can negative pregnancy test be wrong?

a negative pregnancy test can be wrong because it could have misditected, a positive pregnany can't be wrong though.

I haven't had my period for a month and half now after my surgery for ectopic pregnancy and have also checked for pregnancy but the result is negative why?

your body has not gone back to normal and it will react to not being pregnant and it also could have been affected by the surgery

If you get a negative result at night could you still be pregnant?

Will i be still be pregnant if i had a negative test result From Norena

I am having pregnancy symptoms and i did test twice it was negative?

It could be a 'phantom pregnancy' or the real thing. It's certainly possible to get a negative result and still be pregnant. If you're getting negative self-test results but you're sure you are - go see your doctor and ask him to do a blood test. He'll be able to do a far more accurate test.

Did a pregnancy test was positive. went to docs was negative. Doc said that the test could have shown up positive if sperm was present at the time of the test. is this true?

There is no false positive pregnancy test result. If it has ever been positive, then it is positive.