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Yes, it my case it does. Every time I take it, within about an hour I develop a red, non-itchy, raised "bump" on my face (always in the same place). It goes away after about 45 minutes to an hour.

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Q: Could ibuprofen cause red non itchy welts?
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If I had an allergic reaction to naproxen would Ibuprofen also cause the same reactions or are they different?

Aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen,& acetaminophen are different substances Although they are different there is in incresed liklihood you will be allergic to ibuprobin as well. I recently developed an allergy to both and have an identcal reaction (itchy welts on face). I had a reaction to Naproxen. Hives, itchy and swelling, but to this day I can take ibuprofen with no problems.

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a good old-school spanking or a skin problem. use sothing cream and it will go away on its own.

You have itchy red welts on your body and it feels like your skin is crawling what is it?

you need to see a doctor.

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Yes, there are small red ants in Michigan that will swarm when disturbed and will bit leaving red welts that are very itchy.

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Sounds like anaphylacitc shock

Why do you have to clean a stable?

because their urine can cause thrush and thir solid waste can cause flies which can cause welts

Why do paintball guns cause welts?

Anytime you are hit very hard you will develop welts underneath your skin. If you are playing to close paintballs can also break the skin.

What is meant by welts?

Welts explained. Arnel Dela Cruz What is meant by welts? make it simple Welts are raised, reddish or pinkish, itchy or painful bumps on the skin that can occur due to various reasons such as an allergic reaction, insect bite or sting, or physical irritation. They may vary in size and shape, and can sometimes form a pattern. They typically disappear on their own within a few hours or days, but in some cases, they may require medical attention.

Would an air gun cause welts on a horse?

Yes. It would cause the horse to dislike the person hooting him.