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Q: Could healers in Prehistoric time help people who were sick?
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The roles of traditional healers in the society?

There are many roles that traditional healers in the society will take. Traditional healers help those who are afraid of modern healing methods.

How do artifacts help archeologists learn about prehistoric?

Anthropologist can learn about prehistoric life

Why are some exampes of prehistoric art in France and Spain so well preserved?

They are preserved because they are in caves and you know that it was from a long time ago and it could help people learn more about the past. :)

How did shaman healers help European settlers?

Shaman or Amerindian healers were of great help to European settlers. The shamans were familiar with the illnesses that were extant and able to treat the pioneers that were likely traveling without trained doctors or other medical professionals.

How did the shaman healers help European settlers?

Shaman or Amerindian healers were of great help to European settlers. The shamans were familiar with the illnesses that were extant and able to treat the pioneers that were likely traveling without trained doctors or other medical professionals.

What types of foods are natural healers?

Certain foods are known as natural healers or super foods. These include kiwifruit because of the large amount of vitamin C. Beans are said to help to by lowering cholesterol.

What technologies did early people develop?

Prehistoric people created tools, such as the wheel. These tools help them function in life when modern day technology didn't exist.

You are trying to help your grandson on a science question and am stuck Can someone give you a hint on which organisms could be taken from the word paleontology?

Prehistoric creatures such as Tyranasaurus Rex and Pterodactyls.

Who made Prehistoric Art?

Cave and rockwall paintings of the animals around them and of their handprints and hunts. Rudimentary necklaces and scratch decorated bone articles. They also produced beautifully crafted flint or obsidian tools to help them hunt and prepare food.

Can dolphins help people with dissiballities?

Dolphins could only help people with dissabilaties in the water. For example, they could help people swim, or just float. Hope you find this helpful.

How was Julius Caesar wise?

You could say that Julius Caesar was wise in the way he used his personality to cultivate the people who could help him in his political aspirations.You could say that Julius Caesar was wise in the way he used his personality to cultivate the people who could help him in his political aspirations.You could say that Julius Caesar was wise in the way he used his personality to cultivate the people who could help him in his political aspirations.You could say that Julius Caesar was wise in the way he used his personality to cultivate the people who could help him in his political aspirations.You could say that Julius Caesar was wise in the way he used his personality to cultivate the people who could help him in his political aspirations.You could say that Julius Caesar was wise in the way he used his personality to cultivate the people who could help him in his political aspirations.You could say that Julius Caesar was wise in the way he used his personality to cultivate the people who could help him in his political aspirations.You could say that Julius Caesar was wise in the way he used his personality to cultivate the people who could help him in his political aspirations.You could say that Julius Caesar was wise in the way he used his personality to cultivate the people who could help him in his political aspirations.

What is apothecary in the Hunger Games?

I'm not quite sure what you mean, but Katniss' mom was the "doctor" so-to-speak and cured people with herbs and spices and stuff. She used to run an apothecary before she married. Now Prim carries on the healing business.