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The symptom of pregnancy is lack of a period. If you missed pills, or have concerns about pregnancy, take a pregnancy test. Spotting and cramping can be side effects in the first months of Birth Control pill use.

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Q: Could I be pregnant if I started a bc pill about a month ago and last week habe light pink bleeding and now im having cramps in my lower belly and down into my Girly parts?
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Iam having heavy bleeding and bad cramps can you still be pregnant?

My girl has been trying to get pregnant but she was on birth control so she stopped and then she started having cramps and bleeding every other week Is it possible that she was pregnant?

ask a doctor ;]

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it is a FACT that you can get pregnant without having started your peroid.

Has anyone else had this 5 almost 6 wks pregnant had very light bleeding on tp when wiping for 5 days bleeding stopped now having very light cramps for the last 2 days Is this normal?

I had bleeding in first 6weeks of pregnancy no cramps though and am now 18 weeks pregnant just relax good luck xxxxxxx

I am 9 weeks pregnant and am having stomach cramps?

as long as your not bleeding with the pain everythhing should be ok....its normal to cramp because your uterus is streaching

Can no cramps before your period means you are pregnant?

No, not having cramps is normal and lucky. If your haveing a normal flow you aren't pregnant.

Does having implantation bleeding means pregnant?

Yes if you have implantation bleeding it means that you are pregnant.

Can you be pregnant if your having cramps after period?

If you have a normal period with normal flow you are not pregnant

You started your period five days early could you be pregnant?

If you are having a period, you are not pregnant. However many women confuse their periods with vaginal bleeding and vaginal bleeding can be a sign of pregnancy particularly in early pregnancy.

I'm getting small cramps and a few drops of bleeding im still a virgin so you cant be pregnant and you have had your period for over 6 years now you don't know What is wrong?

Cramps are a normal part of having a period hun

I have taken 2 hpt both of which are . I can't be but just a few weeks pregnant my husband and I were having sex and I started to bleed during we stopped and the bleeding has too. What's wrong?

If you are definitely pregnant then contact your DR. Having intercourse during vaginal bleeding will usually stop the bleeding, especially during a period.

You are having period symptoms but no bleeding could you be pregnant?

Even in the presence of bleeding, you could still be pregnant.