

Complete bone fracture

Updated: 12/12/2022
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10y ago

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A complete fracture happens when the bone is broken clean trough and not attached.

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When a bone breaks it is called?

Fracture and/or stress fracture. Stress Fracture implies that it is just a crack in the bone, whereas a fracture implies a complete breakage or separation of the bone.

If a bone breaks the condition is known as a?

A fracture is a complete or incomplete break in a bone resulting from the application of excessive force.

What is meant by a complete fracture?

Fractures are termed complete if the break is completely through the bone and described as incomplete or "greenstick" if the fracture occurs partly across a bone shaft

When is a fracture considered to be healed?

Recovery is complete when there is no bone motion at the fracture site, and x rays indicate complete healing

Which is the name for a broken bone?

A broken bone is often called a "fracture" or "bone fracture". Some examples from the Wikipedia entry on bone fracture. * Complete Fracture- A fracture in which bone fragments separate completely. * Incomplete Fracture- A fracture in which the bone fragments are still partially joined. * Linear Fracture- A fracture that is parallel to the bone's long axis. * Transverse Fracture- A fracture that is at a right angle to the bone's long axis. * Oblique Fracture- A fracture that is diagonal to a bone's long axis. * Compression Fracture-A fracture that usually occurs in the vertebrae. * Spiral Fracture- A fracture where at least one part of the bone has been twisted. * Comminuted Fracture- A fracture causing many fragments. * Compacted Fracture- A fracture caused when bone fragments are driven into each other * Open Fracture- A fracture when the bone reaches the skin * Bug fracture- A fracture when the bone is in place, but the fracture has the appearance of a crushed insect.

What do you call the breaking of a bone?

The breaking of a bone is called a fracture. It can range from a hairline crack to a complete break, and can happen due to trauma, overuse, or medical conditions like osteoporosis.

A break in the bone is called?

Complete break in the continuity of bone or crack in bone can be termed as fracture. There are various types and pattern of fractures.It may be;ClosedopensplintereddispacedPatterns of fracture include;transversespiralobliquegreenstickcompressionA break or a crack in the bone is called a fracture.It is called a fracture. When your bone cracks or dents, its called a fracture. When it completely breaks in half, its called a break.

A bone fracture where the bone is broken into many fragments is?

a type of bone fracture producing many bone fragments is?

What is a brake in a bone called?

A brake in a bone is called a fracture. It occurs when the bone is broken due to trauma or stress. Fractures can range from minor cracks to complete breaks that may require medical intervention to heal properly.

How do you get a transverse fracture?

A transverse fracture is a bone fracture which runs at a right angle to the length (axis) of the bone. See link in Related links for more discussion of categories of fractures-- * linear, oblique or transverse * simple or compound * complete or incomplete

What is the proper name for a broken bone?

A fracture for a broken bone. If the bone is broken badly enough to stick out through the skin it is called a compound fracture.

What is the name for a fracture in which one bone fragment is driven into the other?

A bone fracture where the bone fragments are driven into each other is called a "Compacted Fracture".