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because they are protecting the skull and the humerus

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Q: Compare the shapes of the bones of the human skull Sith the shapes of the bones of the human leg Why is the shape of these bones important?
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Related questions

What are the shapes of the bones in the human body?

Each bone has a different shape.

How many bones are there in the skeletal system?

There are 206 bones in the adult human skeletal system. These bones come in various shapes and sizes and are crucial for providing structural support, protecting internal organs, and facilitating movement.

How many wrist bones does a human have?

A human has eight wrist bones, also known as carpal bones. These bones are arranged in two rows and are important for maintaining flexibility and stability in the wrist joint.

Which animal's bones are similar to human bones?

-Backbone, ribs, skull, pelvis... the list goes on and on.

Why do archaeologists compare human bones and fossils from different time periods?

To learn about the past.

How do the number of bones in a human fetus compare to the adult human skull and whether sutures are still open or fused?

The human fetus has 275 bones, many more than the 206 bones found in the adult skeleton. This is because many of the bones described as single bones in the adult have not yet fully ossified and fused in the fetus. The skull's sutures do not close until after the infant ages. Adult sutures are fully closed.

Why is sunlight important to human bones?

Humans need sunlight to produce Vitamin D

What are the kind of bones in the human body?

Human bones.

Why are bones an integral part of the human body?

If you think about this, you can figure it out. Why is it important to have a solid structure to your body? Without bones, you'd be a slug or a jellyfish.

How are hummingbird bones different from human bones?

humming bird bones are hollow, while human bones are not holllow

Examples of bones according to its shape and size?

Examples of long bones are the femur in the thigh and the humerus in the upper arm. Flat bones include the skull and the sternum. Short bones are found in the wrist (carpals) and ankle (tarsals). Irregular bones like the vertebrae in the spine and the hip bones have complex shapes.

If you have 206 bones and 22 skull bones what percentage of human bones are skull bones?

The human skeleton has 206 bones and the human skull has 22 bones. The percentage will be: 22/206*100=10.67961165% OR it can be: 30/206*100= 15% (depending on the amount of human skull bones)