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Skeletal muscles look like long muscle fibers with a nuclei in each one, looks striated or striped. Compared to a smooth muscle that looks like sheets of thin cells each have a nucleus as well but looks smooth.

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9y ago
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14y ago

Skeletal muscle tissue is well organized into sarcomeres and it gives it a striated or banded appearance under a microscope. It also has many nuclei which are situated on the periphery of the cell. Lastly it is a voluntary muscle tissue meaning that you can contract it at will.

Smooth muscle tissue is poorly organized and no striations are visible. It is unicucleate which is centrally located and it is an involuntary muscle.

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13y ago

The two main differences between skeletal muscle and smooth muscles are as following. The first one is that under the microscope smooth muscles appear smooth and unstripped, while skeletal muscles appear rough and striped. And the second one is that skeletal muscles are voluntary (they are operated by conscious thought); while smooth muscles are involuntary (they are operated unconsciously by the brain).

I got this answer from Exploring Creation with General Science 2nd Edition by Dr. Jay L. Wile.

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Q: Compare and contrast between skeletal muscles and smooth muscles?
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