Acute bronchitis is also called a chest cold.
Dorsum - chest
Cuirass was the most common ancient chest-armor, especially from the Spartans. Typically bronze. The NAME was THORAX in Greek,not curiass-that is English
The common name for the clavicle is the collarbone. It is a long bone situated horizontally at the top of the chest between the shoulder and the sternum. The clavicle helps to provide structural support and aid in the movement of the shoulder.
Barrel chest is common in patients with COPD. The chest expansion is the compensation of the body for the needed oxygen.
It is The Chest
Another name for sternum could be chest or breastbone.
Acne on chest is usually not common but nor is it surprising, you can have acne anywhere in your body.
The three most common locations for name signs on the body are the forehead, chest, and non-dominant shoulder. These locations are typically chosen for visibility and ease of access during communication.