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Q: Chronic effects develop after many years and repeated overexposures?
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Do chemicals usually exert a chronic effect?

Chemicals can exert both acute (short-term) and chronic (long-term) effects depending on the exposure dose and duration. Chronic effects typically develop over an extended period of time with repeated or continuous exposure to a chemical, leading to potential health impacts.

What are the Possible effects of ongoing or chronic stress are?

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Is polio chronic?

The disease of polio is generally not chronic in nature. The effects of the disease, however, can have lifelong and major health consequences.

What are the acute and chronic effects of cocaine use?

u fucck urself

Health effects resulting from contact with a hazardous substance over a long period of time is called?

Chronic Exposure

What type of health effects occurs from long term exposure?

B. Chronic

What are the health effects of repeated exposure to loud noises?

One word..... Deafness

Could you develop tolerance to some effects of a drug but not to others?

Yes, it is possible to develop tolerance to some effects of a drug while not developing tolerance to others. This can occur because different effects of a drug are mediated by different mechanisms in the body, and tolerance can develop selectively to the specific mechanisms affected by the drug.

What are the effects of injecting heroine?

One of the firsts see in junkies is that they lack on money most of the time. After repeated use of heroin, more long-term effects may begin to appear. Chronic users may develop collapsed veins, infection of the heart lining and valves, abscesses, liver disease, and lung-related complications such as pneumonia. In addition to the effects of the drug itself, some heroin may contain additives that do not easily dilute in the bloodstream, resulting in clogging of the blood vessels in the lungs, liver, kidneys, or brain. Overdose, severe addiction, and/or death may also occur following initial use.

What is acute versus long-term effects?

the acute effects of radiation are those effects that occur within 1 or 2 months after exposure to radiation.

Is black death chronic or acute?

Chronic because with out treatment you would die. with treatment it would still leave you with permanent damage with acute side effects. lol

What do the scientists do their experimental tests more than once so they can reduce the effects of chance errors this is called conducting?

Repeated Trials