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yes they can....(for A+ ppl its False)

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Dulce Villa

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Q: Children cannot inherit diseases from their parents?
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How do people get Huntington's Disease?

HD is a genetic disease- you do not "catch it" from anyone. But is is inherited from a parent, just as you inherit hair color. One of the parents has a defective gene, which causes them to develop HD. If one of their children inherits that gene, they will also develop HD. However, if they do NOT inherit that gene, they cannot develop HD, and cannot pss it to their children.

Why is it that children cannot scold their children when their parents have done wrong?

Because your question is wrong! Haha:)

Do your children have tenant rights?

No, only through the parents. In the US, a minor cannot form a contract, therefore cannot be a tenant.

Is there a verse which states that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom?

1 Corinthians 15:50 - Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does corruption inherit incorruption. [NKJV]

Can grandchildren inherit grandparents alcoholism?

No, they cannot.

Why can't you catch cancer from a person who has it?

Because cancer is a non infectious disease meaning it cannot spread by just simply coughing and sneezing. Although you can inherit cancer from your parents.

If a pregnant woman gave birth in the USA and the parents have visas can they then apply for green cards?

Your children will have American citizenship but children cannot sponsor their parents in the US until they are 18 years old.

Do heirs also inherit the decedant's debts?

They do not, however, they cannot inherit anything until the estate has resolved all debts.

When a parent dies and a step parent is living in the home what rights do the step children have if any to get their parent's property?

Generally, a step-child has no inheritance rights unless they were legally adopted by the decedent. You should consult with the attorney who is handling the estate or with an attorney who specializes in probate in your particular jurisdiction if you think you may have any claim.

What do you mean by you cannot change what you inherit?

This refers to traits or characteristics that are passed down genetically and cannot be altered, such as eye color or blood type. While you cannot change your inherited genetic makeup, you can make choices that affect how your inherited traits are expressed, like eating healthily to mitigate genetic risks for certain diseases.

When do you get love from your parents?

Parents normally do love their children. However, parents are not all the same, and some parents show their love more easily and more frequently than others. Without knowing you or your parents personally, I cannot predict what they will do or when they will do it.

Can 2 type o blood types have a blood type a child?

No, two parents with type O blood cannot have a child with blood type A. Blood type O is recessive and a child can only have type A blood if they inherit an A allele from one parent and either an A or O allele from the other parent.