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Yes, your husband can file for a divorce in Illinois if you are pregnant.

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Q: Can your husband filed a divorce in Illinois if you are pregnant?
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If she got pregnant by someone else before the divorce was finalised, she could be. I'm not a lawyer, and never was, but, from what I've seen, if the pregnancy occurred after divorce papers were filed, the military probably wouldn't be particularly enthusiastic about pursuing the matter.

I live in Illinois and me and my husband were secretly married. i do not want anyone to see that we filed for a divorce. can i file for divorce at any courthouse?

You would usually need to file for divorce in the state in which you were married. If your spouse lives in a different state, he can file in that state.

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it wouldn't be easy but yes , u could

Pregnant while filed for a divorce but said was not pregnant on court documents?

go to the judge and ask for an edit on your court papers

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Cheryl used to be married to Footballer Ashley Cole, but now she has filed for a divorce, so she hasn't got a husband.

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She suffered abuse and humiliation at the hands of her husband so she filed for divorce.

He do you get a husband back that filed for divorce?

Unfortunately, if your husband filed for divorce he means business and wants to end the marriage and it would be wise to see a lawyer to be sure you get what is due you. If he wanted time for both of you to live on your own and think things out he would have only filed for a separation. A small percentage of people remarry their divorced mate sometime in the future.

Was married in Canada your husband abanded you in Alaska you came back to Montana 4 yrs later. He filed for divorce in Fairbanks Alaska is this divorce legal?


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Call an attourney.