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no because you brain controls you body

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Q: Can your eyes open if your brain dead?
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What are the ratings and certificates for Dead Eyes Open - 2006?

Dead Eyes Open - 2006 is rated/received certificates of: Austria:U Germany:16

Can a brain dead person produce tears?

Brain dead person can produce tears, if his reflex arc related to tears is intact. Anything irritating to eyes will produce the tears in the eyes of such person.

Do eyes stay open after death?

I've heard they can fall open because of gravity that's why mortitions sew them shut. When a person dies, all of their muscles relax. If the eyes are open at the moment of death, they will usually stay that way. Also, if someone had their eyes closed at the moment of death, they will tend to open a short time later due to the relaxation of the muscles that open and close the eyes. This isn't always the case, but for the majority of people, the eyes will be open. Morticians do not sew the eyes shut. The old fashioned way was to take some cotton and place it under the eyelids. This kept them shut and gave them shape, as the eyes tend to sink back into the sockets after death. The current method of keeping the eyes closed is to use what are called eye caps. They have little grippers on one side, and are smooth on the other. The grippers keep the lids closed.

Can you breath on your own if you are brain dead?

NO. this requires cognitive responces and actions. If you are brain dead you cant tell your mouth to open, chew or swallow

Does desynchronization of the alpha rhythm occur when eyes are open?

Yes, desynchronization of the alpha rhythm typically occurs when eyes are open and attention is focused on external stimuli. The alpha rhythm is a type of brain wave that becomes more synchronized and prominent when the eyes are closed and the brain is at rest.

How do you dream in colour since your eyes are closed?

The color you see when your eyes are open are a function of your brain interpreting light rays. When you sleep your brain can play them back to you. You don't see dreams with your eyes, but in your mind.

What is the fastest way to find a Dead Head at a Grateful Dead concert in Ozark Arkansas?

open your eyes :)

The dead soldier in The Red Badge of Courage?

Died with eyes wide open.

What does it mean if someone can't open his eyes?

They're asleep, dead, or blind

Your goldfish was laying in the bowl with its eyes open and not swimming and you thought it was dead and flushed it down the toiliet was it dead?


What can help us observe your surroundings?

1. Open eyes 2. Open ears 3. Turn on brain 4. Pay attention

How do you open your eyes?

To open your eyes, gently lift your eyelids using the muscles around your eyes. It's a simple action that allows light to enter your eye and signals your brain to perceive the surrounding environment.