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My wife breaks out in a visible itchy rash starting on hands and feet ,when she wears her dentures

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Q: Can your dentures cause a itchy rash?
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you mean a yeast infection?

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Can high pH in water cause a skin rash?

Yes, pH levels can cause a rash and itchy skin. This is mainly due to allergies, and infections from too much yeast in the body.

What would cause a rash on feet and ankles only?

Illnesses that cause a body rash and swollen feet ankles are lupus, chicken pox, and viral arthritis. Kidney disease can also have these symptoms.

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Are you taking antibiotics? These usually cause a rash in Glandular Fever. A rash doesn't usually occur with Glandular Fever; so I would recommend you go back to your Doctor.

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Although rash is less common than with streptobacillary rat-bite fever, there may be a lightly rosy, itchy rash all over the body

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Yes. It is possible to be allergic to different types of plants. Trees included.

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If my daughter didnt wash off soap good enough does it cause rash everywere on body even forehead it look like little red dots and are itchy but it is not scabies what other rash covers all the body?

It could possibly be a soap related rash. A doctor will be able to determine the cause of the rash.

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I was on it all day yesterday and now my eyes are itchy and I have a small rash. It's very possible

Is my butt itchy?

It might be lack of hygine or hemmorhoids,possibly just a rash. Pinworms can cause intense itching. Especially at night.

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