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Both men and women tend to shrink as they age, due to deterioration of the vertebrae and the discs between them, both of which cause shortening of the backbone. Also, women are somewhat more prone to osteoporosis, which accelerates the deterioration, and they tend to be shorter to begin with, making some older women seem especially tiny. well i think that it matter how they eat. Plus at a certain age the stop growning.

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13y ago

Generally, its directly related to osteoporosis. As you age, your bones weaken, get small hairline fractures, then settle as they heal. Overtime, this causes a measurable shortening of the length of the bones.

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15y ago

yes you lose your mobility also through the same process

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Over the course of years, the cartilage in the spine becomes compressed. This may result in a slight decrease in height.

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Yes, you can expect to lose some bone as you age.

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The fluid in the bones gradually dry up due to calcium deficiency when one grows old, resulting in arthuritis and related ailments.

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12y ago

4% from 18 to 76 years old.

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Q: Can your bones shrink as you get older?
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Why and how do you shrink when you get older?

The spinal column decreases in overall height due to a softening and flattening of the vertebral bones, as well as a loss of fluid contained in the discs between the bones.

What will make you shorter?

Age, as you grow older (50+) you tend to shrink in height an inch or two. This is because calcium tends to be leached from your bones.

When you lose weight do your bones get shrink?

yes, your bones shrink half an inch every time you loose 4 kilograms.

When do humans begin to shrink?

Humans typically begin to shrink in height around the age of 40, with the rate of shrinking increasing as they get older. This shrinking is primarily due to age-related changes in the spinal discs and vertebral bones.

Can you shrink?

You can not shrink, the reason people say older people shrink is because they get a hunch in their back.

How do people get shorter?

they "shrink" when they get older :)

How can you tell if your bones have stopped growing?

As you get older your bones start to stop growing. After your bones stop growing, it doesn't affect you. But when you reach age 50 about, your bones start to weaken and shrink. That's why older people aren't that strong, and they're shorter.

Why do you grow not shrink?

because you get older not younger there for you grow not shrink .. but sometime as you get old you shrink. depending on who you are and if you take care of yourself

What are three sentences for the word shrink?

Products come in shrink-wrap packaging.I had to shrink my jeans. Many older adults shrink by one to three inches as they lose height.

What do the FBI agents call the scientist on the series BONES?

In Bones they FBI agents call the scientists Squints and the phycologist a Shrink.

Can you shrink bones?

No, bones cannot be shrunk. Bones are made of a hard tissue called osseous tissue, and their size is determined by genetic factors and growth hormones during development. Bones can become thinner or lose density due to conditions like osteoporosis, but they cannot be physically shrunk.

Does your penis shrink after you die?

Yes. It decomposes completely, since there are no bones in penises.