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You mean so used that you can't get pregnant? No that is not possible.

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Q: Can your body become to used to your partners sperm?
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Does sperm travel around outside of the body?

sperm is made in the testicles, then it is stored in the tubules (the tubes that go from ur testes to the urethra) and then they get mixed with all the ingredients that make semen so that the sperm have something to swim through... wherever the semen is is where the sperm are... simple as that however, when sperm AREN'T used, they are disolved by the body and recycled into proteins so TECHNICALLY sperm are everywhere in our body... or at least the chemicals that make up sperm or wat USED to be sperm

Is it really harmful for body to use it for sex or loss of seman weaken the humanbody?

The body evolved for sexual activity. It is necessary to have sex to continue the species. Sperm and semen are used in that process, and the male body produces millions of sperm, most of which are disposed of if they reach maturity without being used. It will not weaken your body to "lose" semen or sperm. It is there to be used.

What is the usefulness of a sperm cell?

A sperm cell is used to fertilize an egg from a female. The combination of the sperm and the egg produces a fertilized egg which will become a new individual.

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Nitrogen is used in the males reproductive organs, the sperm to be presise.

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Can a woman become pregnant by using your sperm from a used condom I am really worried?

yes it is possible but not likely and the chances are very low

What is meiosis used for in the human body?

Meiosis is used in the human body for the formation of gametes (sperm and eggs) which are necessary for sexual reproduction. During meiosis, the number of chromosomes is reduced by half, resulting in genetically diverse haploid cells that can combine during fertilization to create a new organism with a unique genetic makeup.

Is normal saline sperm friendly?

Yes, normal saline is considered sperm-friendly because it has the same salt concentration as the fluids in the body, making it safe for sperm. it is commonly used in fertility procedures to wash and preserve sperm for artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization.

What is cornus used for?

It is also used in formulas that control body fluids and treat excessive sweating, urine leakage, sperm leakage (spermatorrhea), and heavy, prolonged menstruation.

Is the amount of protein that a male body uses for sperm and prostate specific antigen affected by his level of sexual activity or number of ejaculations?

The sensible answer would be yes. A certain amount of protein is used to make a certain amount of sperm. The more sperm used, the more protein needed. They're directly proportional. Make sense?