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Q: Can your baby test positive for opiates by drinking mothers breast milk?
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Related questions

Why should mothers breastfeed new born babies?

Mothers pass on immunity to diseases through their breast milk. So it is best if a mother can breast feed.

What do cub panthers drink?

milk from the mothers breast

Who is vulnerable to AIDS?

Anyone who engages in unprotected sex is at risk of getting infected with HIV. People who exchange needles with others are also at risk. Children born of HIV positive mothers and/or drink the breast milk of an HIV positive woman are also at risk.

Where can someone learn more about the process of breast engorgement?

You can find out more about breast engorgement on new mothering sites and will find many new mothers that can help you. It is a very common problem with new mothers.

What organ is used to feed newborn mammals?

The mothers udder or breast.

What happens to fruit when it loses water?

It shrivels like your mothers breast

Do breastfeeding mothers menustruate?

Not every woman can breast feed.

Do womens breast get bigger by drinking milk?

No.... Why Think That?

Her 2 positive breast cancer?

If someone has tested positive for breast cancer there are several treatments they can have. A doctor will be able to discuss the options.

Is there medication to give mothers who produce breast milk even after they have stopped breast feeding for several years?

send it to me with pictures and you email

How can you encourage mothers to breastfeed their children?

The phrase breast is best speaks for itself

How do Breast feeding mothers get rid of severe headaches?

Head massage and paracetamol