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No, you can't give someone type A blood if they are type B. You can only give type B or O to someone with type B.

The body will reject and then actively attack the blood cells, making the person more sick then when they started transfusing blood.

Here's how it goes:

  • Type A = A antigen + anti-B antibody (I hate B)
  • Type B = B antigen + anti-A antibody (I hate A)
  • If A is transfused into B, the antibodies will agglutinate the B causing "clumps"
  • If B is transfused into B, those antibodies will agglutinate the A
  • Type O blood can be GIVEN to A or B because there are not anti-O antibodies
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No, it won't. Even if the blood groups are compatible, blood transfusion should only be performed after cross-matching the donor's and recipient's blood.

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12y ago

no, their blood will coagulate and they might die

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Q: Can you transfuse blood from a type A donar into a type B recipient?
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Can AB donor be transfuse into a type O recipient?

While type O blood is known as being the universal donor, it is not a universal recipient. Type O blood can be transfused into any other blood type, but someone with type O blood could only receive a transfusion of type O blood.

What type blood do you transfuse to an AB type if you have no AB blood?

You can give either A or B blood.

Is it safe to transfuse AB to an AB- blood patient?

Yes, it is safe to transfuse AB blood to an AB- blood patient because the AB blood type is the universal recipient. However, it is always important to ensure that the blood is cross-matched to check for compatibility and to monitor the patient for any adverse reactions during and after the transfusion.

Which blood type can be a universal recipient?

No one blood type can be a recipient but O blood type can be given to anyone.

What universal recipient blood type be?

The universal recipient blood type is AB. This blood type can receive A, B, AB, or O type bloods.

What is the universial recipient blood type?


Which type is the universal recipient?

There is no blood group that is considered as universal recipient. Blood type O individuals are considered to be universal donors.

Are people with blood type O can be considered blood type universal recipient?

Yes, blood type "O" is considered universal recipient. Blood type "AB" can not donate too someone with blood type O can donate blood too a person with blood type O.

Which blood type can receive any blood type?

AB+ is the universal recipient.

What type of donor blood that will not induce a transfusion reaction from type b?

If the recipient has type B blood, they can receive either type B or type O blood. If the donor blood is type B, then the recipient can be either type B or type AB

The universal recipient blood type is what?

Type AB positive is often referred to as the universal recipient because most people with this type of blood can receive any other type of blood given to them.

How does goup o negative get a donar?

They must receive type O negative blood, which many hospitals store as universal donor blood.