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Not likely. If it so happens that your not pregnant put a dime between your legs next time...

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Q: Can you tell you are pregnant at three weeks' I am fourteen?
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At how many weeks can tell that you are pregnant?

You should be able to tell from a home pregnancy test when you are fourteen days (two weeks) pregnant.

You had your implanon taken out two weeks ago and had intercourse during that time how soon can you tell if im pregnant and could you have gotten pregnant and not know yet and how soon can i tell?

You can tell if you're pregnant two or three weeks after unprotected sex.

Can people tell you are pregnant at two months?

Pregnancy is usually not obvious at this stage. If you mean can medical people tell, then yes, they can tell from about three weeks.

Can you tell your having triplets at 6 weeks pregnant?

No No Not true. I am living proof, got an ultrasound thinking that I was 8 weeks pregnant to detect a heartbeat, only surprise I was in fact only 6 weeks pregnant with three amniotic sacs with three embryo's meaning triplets. However, I have to wait yet again to detect any heartbeat activity.

Can you tell if your pregnant by the first two weeks?

you could be pregnant in the first 2 weeks if pregnancy test is blue

In 2 weeks can you tell if you are pregnant?

Sometimes you can get a positive pregnancy test result at 2 weeks, but it's generally more accurate at around 3 or 4 weeks

Will a pregnancy test tell you are pregnant if you have missed your period for 8 weeks?

no it can't tell you if you missed your period for 8 weeks

Does it hurt when you are two weeks pregnant?

no you can hardly tell the difference

Can you tell you are pregnant in 3 weeks time?

Yes you can take the test 2 weeks after sex.

When can you tell if your dog is having puppies?

after three weeks of being pregnant then you can start to feel the puppies kick. but before then she will start to get bigger and bigger. then finaly after 9 weeks or so out comes the pups!

Can you tell if a sea monkey is pregnant?

you can tell that your sea monkey is pregnant when she has a little egg sack on her back but it will take a year before she does get pregnant ( it will take 50 weeks to hatch if pregnant )

Can a doctor tell you are pregnant by a pelvic exam as early as 5 weeks?

There is no point in doing a pelvic exam at 5 weeks. A sonogram will show if you are pregnant.