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You can not tell paternity by blood type. You can rule out paternity by blood type. For example, if both parents are O negative and the baby is type A positive, you can rule out paternity.

The only way to determine paternity is by a DNA test. A few of the baby's hairs and the father's hairs can be sent to a lab. The lab can determine paternity.

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Justus Rau

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How can paternity testing be determined using blood types?

A child inherits factors or genes from each parent that determine his or her blood type. This fact makes blood typing useful in paternity testing. The blood types of the child, mother, and alleged father are compared to determine paternity.

Is he really my father if his blood type is o positive and my mother is o positive and my blood type is b positive?

Blood typing is not a reliable method to determine paternity. If you must know, do DNA testing.

How can you tell who got you pregnant without doing a paternity test?

In some cases, paternity can be ruled out based upon blood types. If you are a blood type B- and the mother is blood type B+, a baby with type A or type AB blood cannot be yours - the father has to be someone with type A blood. Also, if the baby shows definite racial characteristics, such as the eye folds typical of individuals of Asian descent or deep skin tone typical of individuals of African descent, and neither you nor the mother have these characteristics, the father has to be someone else. However, these are pretty vague generalities - to definitively prove (to a court's satisfaction) that you are or are not the father, you will need a paternity test. It is a painless test - you simply swab the inside of your cheek and the mother and baby have the same thing done. DNA fingerprinting is performed on all three samples, and the odds of you plus the mother generating the baby's DNA fingerprint are calculated.

Can you tell paternity while pregnant?

not a chance unless there is some RARE blood type of one man that is affecting your pregnancy... then doctor will do a test by injecting your belly for a blood sample from baby in that case ONLY.

Can blood test prove paternity?

Yes, a blood test can be used to determine paternity with a high level of accuracy. The test compares genetic markers found in the child's blood sample with those from the potential father to establish a biological relationship. This type of test is commonly known as a DNA paternity test.

Can you tell who your father is by his blood type?

Blood type can give clues about parentage, but it is not definitive. For example, a child with blood type AB could have a father with blood type A or B. A DNA test would provide a more accurate answer about paternity.

Does each different blood type have a unique color?

No, there isn't any way to tell by looking at your blood what type it is. Blood type is determined by proteins on the cells, and you need a chemical test to tell which is which.

Before DNA test how was paternity tested?

Blood DNA paternity testing involves retrieving a blood sample from the alleged father, and child. The sample is obtained by pricking the finger and placing the blood droplet on a collection card. The card is sent away for analysis and results are returned in five to seven days!

How can i tell if i have blood type a ?

The best way to determine your blood type without going to a doctor is asking your parents. Depending on their blood type will tell you what yours should be. If it is not the same as your parents then you know that you are adopted.

How do you figure out your type?

Determining your blood type, requires your blood to be tested. If you do not know your blood type, request a blood test from your doctor. If you donate blood, the blood bank would also be able to tell you your blood type.

You should know where you inherit things from sometimes you can inherit habbits, looks, even blood types from people in your family. Do you inherite a blood type from anyone?

Your blood type is inherited or given to you by your parents. The combinations of different blood types yields different blood types. In fact this is how paternity was once determined.

Do your blood type tell what race you are from?

No, but genetics will...