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I am taking 4mg of soboxone a day for an addiction of app. 15- 20 10mg norcos a day. I started taking the norcos for a ligit reason. I suffer daily from severe chronic Back pain. The problem of that after a period of time Lortab/norcos, lose their effect and stop working. That's why I took more than perscribed. Anyhow....I got on soboxone to kick the addiction. PROBLEM: Soboxone did not help "ME" with pain at all! So I decided to keep taking my soma prescription. I mean I cant even sleep at night....because of the pain.

I take 4mg soboxone and app. 3-4 350mg of soma a day. (different dr.s....not completely honest) It works pretty well. Atleast I can sleep. Pain is still there. Point being..." I have been fine " I think this can certainly be dangerous! I do NOT take more than perscribed. If you do take a lot more mg of each than I do....I'm sure there is a strong chance of being hospitilized of DEATH! Be carefull....everyones different. It's best to be honest with ONE dr.

I'm about to come clean to my dr. I would like to see what he thinks of switching me to methadone and soma. I'll find out this week.

good luck

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14y ago

You will be incredibly drowsy. Suboxone already makes you drowsy, adding a muscle relaxer would potentiate the effects. Do not drive.

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