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I have done this. Though it has a tendency to make you really sleepy. AND, it's a big and, it is NOT recommended, for the very reason of, (depending on your bodies tolerance to medication, and the way your body reacts to ANY medication), can slow down or speed up your heart rate. This could possibly cause a stroke or heart attack!

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Q: Can you take benydrl if you took Claritin for a allergy attack?
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How do you stop spring allergy symptoms?

The best way to relieve seasonal allergies is to take an allergy medication such as Claritin (loratadine) or Zyrtec (cetirizine).

Can another allergy pill be taken if Claritin 24 hour is not working?

If you're taking Claritin, not Claritin-D, you can take basic allergy medications like Benadryl. The side effects include drowsyness, etc. If you're looking for an alternative, Zyrtec has come out on the market, and it has 12- and 24-hour varieties. I've heard that taking allergy pills (Claritin, Zyrtec, etc...) are more effective when taken twice daily in people that metabolize the medication more quickly. It's something to try out. Get the Claritin 12-Hour and try that for awhile to see if it works better for you. Otherwise, consider seeing your physician about Allegra, an allergy medication that is still available via prescription or talk to him about using an intranasal administered antihistamine together with your current Claritin.

Can you take naproxen and then Claritin D?

can you take naproxen and then claritin

Can you take Claritin with Atenlol?

You can take Claritin-D with Atenolol.

Can you take Claritin and NyQuil together?

can I take Claritin and Nyquil together

Can you take cefuroxime and Claritin together?

can you take ceftin and claritin together

Can you take Klonopin and Claritin together?

No, you should not take two allergy medications together because you run the risk of causing your sinuses to dry out too much and give you a splitting headache, or of getting too groggy from taking too much allergy medicine.

Can allergy medication prevent you from getting?

well it kinda depends on if you have really bad allergies or not. like idon't have that bad of allergies so i take claritin clear, but if you have bad allergies you would take somthing like zertec.

Can you take azthromycin and Claritin together?

Yes you can take both Azithromycin & Claritin, there are no drug interactions.

Can your 5 year old take Claritin?

Yes. There is a cell receptor that some people have that can pick up the "allergy." The people that are born with the receptors have what we know as allergies. Thus, a child can have allergies at 2.

What hypertensive medications are best for people who have to take allergy medications?

Taken the other way around, most hypertension meds should not be taken with decongestant-containing (pseudoephedrine, phenylpropanolamine) allergy medications. Try to use products with antihistamines, as Claritin, Tavist, Benadryl, Chlor-Trimeton.

Can you take Claritin after receiving a steroid shot for seasonal allergies?

It depends on the allergy medicine. Most pills are okay to take on steroids, but care needs to be taken with nasal spray as this contains a local steroid. You doctor will assess all your medications and give you instructions if you should stop or reduce any of them.