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No. But you wouldn't actually get your period while pregnant. Because your period is the shedding of your lining which would cause you to miscarry. Some woman will have light spotting/bleeding during pregnancy when there period would be due. If you are/ or suspect you are pregnant and are having an actual period you should see your doctor asap.
From everything I've ever read and heard it's very possible to have your period and still be pregnant. And I'm not talking spotting or anything. many people don't know they're pregnant at first because they are still getting their period. I doubt it would effect any results though, but the best way to find out is probably through your doctor.
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12y ago

No. From what I know based on knowledge and some research, you can't. When you are on your period it is a sign that your body is a preparing itself for fertility. Although you can still get pregnant while on your period (if you are still fertile) you should not take a test. The test takes the hormone levels in your pee and when you are on your hormones are everywhere. If I were you I would wait till after you are finished your cycle. When you are on your period it usually means that you are not pregnant.

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15y ago

Blood does not effect the results of a pregnancy test because pregnancy tests simply are detecting whether or not the pregnancy hormone hcg is in your system. Blood would not change the results in any way. Most women prefer not to take it while bleeding though, because of sanitary reasons.

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Yes! hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is a hormone produced only during pregnancy. It is in your blood and urine regardless if you are bleeding or not.

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Can a person have regular bleeding and are having signs of pregnancy can that be pregnancy?

Regular bleeding in general means you are not pregnant - if you feel you are having signs of pregnancy, take a test - that way you'll know for sure.