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Q: Can you take a laxative with a bladder infection?
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Can your period stop a bladder infection?

The answer to this is no. I had a bladder infection while I was on holiday last year, even though I was on my period, the infection still remains and will not go away unless you take antibiotics which will be prescribed by your GP.

Can zithromax cause bladder infection?

Zithromax does not cause bladder infection.

Where does a bladder infection come from?

A bladder infection often results due to bacteria present in urine traveling from the bladder through the urethra. The infection often is associated with a urinary tract infection.

Can a bladder infection in a man cause trichomonas?

No, a bladder infection caused by bacteria (such as a urinary tract infection) is different from trichomoniasis, which is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the parasite Trichomonas vaginalis. Bladder infections in men are typically caused by bacteria, not parasites like Trichomonas.

Can azithromycin treat bladder infection?

Azithromycin is primarily used for the upper respiratory areas. Supposedly it has no effect on a Urinary Tract Infection or Bladder Infection. Hope this helps! take care! I am a Certified Pharmacy Technician studying to become a Pharmacist.

Can i woman get a bladder infection from being pleasured but not orgasuming?

One has nothing to do with the other. You get a bladder infection from bacteria entering the bladder.

Can you smoke with a bladder infection?

Well smoking is never good for you but the bladder infection wont get worse if you do.

What can cause a 6yr old dog to lose bladder control?

well maybe it has some kind of bladder infection or something or maybe something happened that could have punctured the bladder. I just suggest you go to the doctor.

Why would your twelve year old female dog lose control of her bladder and there is a LOT of urine?

you may not take her out enough or it could be a bladder infection so you may need to see a vet it might be because of old age It is very important you take your dog in to be checked out by your Veterinarian. It could be a bladder infection or that she is losing control of her bladder as she is getting older. There are medications to help with the incontinence.