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You die.

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Q: Can you survive lung cancer if it has infected both lungs?
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Why is there a crackles on both lungs in leukemia?

it can be lung cancer

A liver infection spread through infected blood that can cause liver cancer is?

Both Hepatitis B and C fit this description.

Can you survive without your lungs?

you can survive with one lung, but not with out both, case in point in space without oxygen you have about 1 minute and 20 seconds to live without an air tank, its on

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A CT scan showed I have granulated histo in both lungs. I swam in the Ohi river valley when young. What is treatment and will I deelop cancer?

What is the worst case scenario for people with cystic fibrosis?

If it is not diagnosed in the earlier stages things like lungs could be infected and a transplant would be needed of both lungs. if both lungs are not transplanted there could be a chance that the effected lung could contain bacteria and infect the new lung. worst case scenario is that it doesn't get diagnosed and a major infection could kill the patient

Do kangaroos and dolphins both breath through their lungs?

With their lungs rather than through their lungs, but yes - both dolphins and kangaroos breathe with lungs.

How will cancer affect you if you survive it?

Mostly likely, but there is no single answer for this question. Most cancer treatments have side-effects and/or last after effects.It depends on what type of cancer and where it was located. Example if you had breast cancer and had to have a mastectomy, then you would probably have to come to terms with losing a breast or both. But if you have an appreciation for life then you should feel grateful that you were one of the lucky survivors and beat cancer.

Do Both humans and worms have lungs?

No. Humans have lungs but worms do not.

What has lungs and gills?

The lungfish has both gills and lungs.

What would happen to a person if both lungs were removed?

If both lungs were removed, the person would die.

What is linked to cancer?

Both oral cancer and lung cancer are.

How much damage do cigars do to the lungs?

Cigars can cause bronchitis, lung cancer (both of which could kill you), and so much damage that it could kill you. Solution - Don't inhale cigars.