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Q: Can you stop tourettes
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Related questions

When was Tourettes - band - created?

Tourettes - band - was created in 2000.

Does Gordon Ramsay have tourettes?

No Gordon Ramsay doesn't have Tourettes.

What are the release dates for The Tourettes Guy - 2005 Lotto Numbers 1-5?

The Tourettes Guy - 2005 Lotto Numbers 1-5 was released on: USA: 2005

What systems does tourettes syndrome attack?

Tourettes Syndrom is a condition in the Nervous System

Is there a vacine the can prevent tourettes?

No, there has not been a cure or vaccine that can prevent Tourettes made. We hope someday there might be

What is slow-mo tourettes?

Slow-mo Tourettes (or also known as Slow Motion Tourettes) is a form of Tourettes in which everything the diagnosed person does is in slow motion eg. Walking or even swearing I Hope this helped and if you have this you will go through a mixed amount of emotions (very Slowly)

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Who can diagnose tourettes?


Can fish have tourettes?

Fish do not have the ability to develop Tourette syndrome, as it is a complex neurological disorder found in humans. Tourette syndrome is characterized by involuntary movements and vocal sounds called tics, which are a result of abnormalities in the brain. Fish lack the brain structures necessary to exhibit such behaviors.

Who diagnosed tourettes?


Is tourettes sex- linked?
