Yes, you can be spotting and be pregnant. It is called implantation bleeding. It usually occurs about 8-9 days after ovulation, which is around the time of your period. Take a pregnancy test and good luck!
The guy above refers to the process of implantation. If you definitively know that you are pregnant, then spotting when you know that you are pregnant is also normal. As the cell mass grows, then it can break tiny blood vessels and cause spotting. However, if the spotting intensifies and is accompanied by cramping, get it checked out as these are the precursors to miscarriage.
yes you can be pregnant
It is normal for a pregnant guppie to have a reddish interior on her Travis spot
There will be a dark spot in front of the fishes anus (cloaca) in a pregnant (gravid) female livebearer. This spot is called the "Gravid Spot".
With a guppy you need to look at the gravid spot. This is a dark spot in the fish's belly. A large gravid spot indicates the fish is likely to be pregnant. You can tell how pregnant the fish is by how large the spot is. Sorry I have no experience with other species.
If you have a period than you are not pregnant
yes you can. I had a two day period (technically called implantation bleeding) and i think i might be pregnant Do a pregnancy test and get your doc to do a blood test for you.
It is a "Gravid Spot". Yes it indicates pregnacy.
Yes, a pregnant platy will typically show a dark spot near its back fin called a gravid spot, which indicates that it is carrying developing fry.
Typically if you get your period you are not pregnant.
A graviid spot is a dark grey spot at the back of the stomach. It is a sign to tell you that your fish is pregnant
Hello. Yes you could still be pregnant but because of the amount of bleeding you had, you really need to see your doctor for a blood test to see if you are still pregnant. ANSWER GO and see a doctor you might be having periods while pregnant