You have an uncircumcised penis your doctor said that you had too pull your foreskin back behind the head you tried it but can only go halfway then it hurts you afraid to have sex thinkin it will hurt?
If you are able to pull your foreskin back at least halfway,
then you probably do not suffer from Phimosis, which is a medical
condition characterized by a very tight foreskin. You should never
try to force your foreskin back over the head of your penis if it
is not able to do so freely and easily. What your doctor is asking
you to do is to stretch your foreskin. This is something you must
do over a period of days and weeks to yield the best results. The
important thing understand is that you cannot rush this process. If
you do, you run the risk of entrapping your foreskin behind the
head of your penis, which is very painful, can cause it to swell
and may require circumcision to fix. There are many options you can
choose to stretch your foreskin, but the best method by far is
manually. Some fellows use an emolient cream or hand lotion to
soften the skin, and then gently stretch the end of the foreskin,
spreading it out and pulling in every direction enough so that you
feel a firm tug, but it is not painful. If your foreskin hurts
while you are doing this, then you are going too far too fast. If
you make it part of your regular daily routine to gently stretch
your foreskin, you'll see better results. Some guys make it part of
their masturbation. Avoid using mechanical aids or stretching
devices, as they carry the risk of doing physical damage. If you
continue to have a problem, you may wish to consult your doctor
about your alternatives. Take a look at the link posted below on
safe techniques you can use. ******** I agree with the comments
above it is unlikely you suffer from any medical condition. My best
advise is to take a bath. Taking a bath in warm water will assist
you in stretchign your skin. During your bath gently pull your skin
as far back over the head of your penis as you can and then pull it
back to the front, back and forth for several minutes. The warm
water will assist the process.