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I don't know what you mean by that but if you mean can you only tell your period is when it is on then no because you can tell it's coming 28 days after the last one between 28 and 33 days.

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If you wish, sure.

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Q: Can you only spot while on your period?
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it is normal for you to only spot while on birth control. if you missed your period it shouldn't mean anything, however if this keeps on occurring you should consider seeing a doctor.

Can i get pregnant while on your period?

no, you can only get pregnant on your own period.

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when you spot a period!

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What is a period spot?

A spot is a small area of blood.

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masturbation helps relieve period pain but only while you are on your periods

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Interesting! It depends on how you think about it. If you stand on one spot on the earth then the period of totality for a solar eclipse will be a maximum of about 7 mins. while from the same spot the period of totality for a lunar eclipse will last about 50 mins. However, during a solar eclipse the shadow of the moon races across the face of the earth from west to east, and while any one spot is only in totality for a few minutes, the shadow is present on the planet for (3 -3.5 hours), much longer than a lunar eclipse lasts.

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What if your period stay on for only 3 days and then it starts to spot?

It could happen again soon so stay alert.

Is it good to squeeze a spot with no white head?

Its not good to squeeze a spot period

Am you pregnant if you spot a week before your period?

If you have a period than you are not pregnant