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ADHD can be controlled through various therapies: medication, counseling, lifestyle changes, meditation and exercise are all options that provide a way to control the symptoms of ADHD.

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No! You are born with it. If you don't have it when you were born, you never will.

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Does stratera cure ADHD?

Stratera does not cure ADHD but rather helps make the symptoms of ADHD more manageable for the sufferer.

How do you wean yourself off of ADHD medication?

To wean yourself off of ADHD medication, consult your healthcare professional. It is dangerous with many drugs (including drugs used to treat ADHD) to discontinue use abruptly and can result in withdrawal symptoms. Ask for a lower dose and slowly discontinue use.

What type of disorder is ADHD?

You are very hyper and can't control yourself or your actions. Usually.

What does Vyvanse do?

This depends if you have ADHD or not. If you do have ADHD, it will calm you down, and it will be prescribed to you. If you do not have ADHD it will make you hyper, jittery, nervous, and sometimes a bit scary. It will NOT be prescribed if you don't have ADHD. In any case, you will stop eating or sleeping, and easily become addicted to it.

How does a socially inept ADHD adult start dating?

Start by going to a ADHD group meeting. You'll find others just like yourself. Nice, but just don't think they have the skills.

Why does ADHD make you Hyper?

The answer is not entirely known, however ADHD is caused by underdevelopment within certain regions of the brain. ADHD may be entirely genetic, environmental, or a mixture of both. Research is being conducted to find the exact reason and cause for ADHD.

Do smosh have ADHD?

Probably not for real, they just make fun of it.

Does ADHD make you a more profound person?

Potentially; most individuals with ADHD have more thoughts in general due to lacking the ability to tune out distractions, but this does not necessarily apply to everyone with ADHD. Positive attributes of ADHD cited are often creativity and zany outlooks on life.

Are people with ADHD unintelligent?

No, having ADHD does not determine intelligence. People with ADHD can have a range of intellectual abilities, just like those without the condition. ADHD may affect attention, focus, and impulse control, but it doesn't make someone unintelligent.

What to do when your mother has depression and your brother is ADHD and your other brother is an anst-ridden teenager how do you get through life at home everyday?

You love them. What more can you do? Love them, love yourself, and make sure you are staying in good health and so are they.

Would adhd stay in my way if i took ecstasy?

I'm not an expert on drugs, but it seems like ecstasy would make adhd much worse.

Will Strattera make me hyper if i do not have ADHD?

No Strattera often makes people tired. I have tryed this medication before(in the 40mg doseing) and i was very tired i also do not have adhd.