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no, but you will probably sweat therefore losing water weight and that's not fat. try doing some exercise. start slow. even a small amount of sustained exercise will help. you'll see results after a week. hopefully that will motivate you to do more and not spend your time thinking up silly quick fix solutions that don't work. remember you didnt put on the weight overnight, you won't lose it overnight

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Q: Can you lose fat faster wearing a jumper?
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Top ten exercise to lose fat faster?

Jogging is the best way!!.. It strips fat, gets you fitter, and tones you up!....Its the quickest way.

How healthy is a low carb diet when incorporated with vigorous exercise?

well, when your on a low carb diet you start to burn fat instead of carbs so im guessing that the more exercise you do the better (without wearing yourself out obviously) and you will lose weight faster.

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A person can eat a variety of foods that will help you lose weight faster. Choose foods that have less calories and more fiber, as well as protein instead of fat.

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All you have to do is do some squatches(sit-ups) . This will make you crunch your spine so the belly flab overlaps. This will make you lose weight faster.

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when you walk your whole body is moving around its getting your heart 2 beat faster your blood 2 move faster and it all goes together to remove the fat away n the muscle takes over. it takes some time to lose pounds of fat but its worth it if your over average and wanna be average

Can you lose weight on your wrist?

yes but it depend on weight of wrist weight and the exercise you do while wearing them the more weight you have and do exercise . the more you gonna lose weight If you spend all day sitting at a desk, wearing weights will not make you burn more calories, no matter how heavy they are. If you are pretty active during the day, wearing weights may boost your calorie burn

Doing weights and running will make you loose fat quicker?

Yes. If you have your eating under control, then exercise will make you lose weight faster.

Is body fat meter one of those things to do with weight loss?

Body fat meter is a great tool that helps you lose weight faster. It tracks your weight and body fat. You can read more here:

Why does it take a week to lose 2 pounds?

While you can drop pounds quickly, in order for the weight to stay off it needs to be weight from fat. To lose fat you need to burn more calories than you consume. In order to do this safely while staying healthy, it is recommended you do not exceed 2 lbs per week. Of course the more weight you have to lose the faster you will lose it.

How do I lose weight faster I am a 13 year old?

The real math behind weight lose..! Want to lose, but are'nt sure how the math works behind burning calories and fat..? Click here..

When do you start to lose baby fat?

It is scientifically proven that you lose baby fat by age 9. Some lose it at 10

Can FAT be comperessed?

Yes. Wearing a corset pushes in stomach fat