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Yes it can, sometimes for decades.

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Q: Can you have syphilis without having symptoms?
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What are the symptoms of syphilis?

The symptoms of syphilis are fever, sore throat, feeling of weakness, discomfort throughout the body, loss of weight, headaches, stiffness and many more.

Can a male have trichomoniasis without having symptoms?

Yes, a male can have trich without having symptoms.

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Can you have diphtheria without knowing?

Some people carry the bacteria without having symptoms, but can still spread the disease to others.

Can someone stay with hiv for 1year without symptoms?

Yes. One can be HIV+ for many years before having any AIDS symptoms.

Can you be a carrier of hpv without having it yourself?

No you can not be a carrier of HPV without having it yourself. A "carrier" is a common language term for someone who has infection and can infect others, but who has no symptoms of the infection. You can't pass an infectious disease like HPV unless you yourself are infected.

Can mono be spread without having symptoms?

Yes, in fact many people have had Mono and never knew it.

How does AIDS make you sick?

If left untreated, syphilis can evolve into neurosyphilis. Basically what that means is that the Syphilis bacteria spreads to the Central Nervous System. When syphilis spreads to the nervous system, it causes a slew of neurological symptoms, such as dementia, incontinence, blindness, and seizures. Here's the thing though, neurosyphilis is commonly asymptomatic, which means, the patient shows no symptoms. That might sound like a good thing, being symptomless, but it's really not. If there's a symptom, there's something to treat. The people with asymptomatic neurosyphilis are still experiencing the neurological deterioration that causes death, they just don't know it.

Can you get malaria without fever?

Sure. There are other symptoms of malaria that do not necessarily include having a fever.HeadachesChillsDiarrhoeaMuscular painLethargySicknessCoughing fitsAbdominal pains

What are asymptomatic carriers?

Asymptomatic means 'without symptoms. So 'asymptomatic carrier' means a person who carries an infection without having any symptoms. As an example, men often 'carry' yeast in the urethra and on the penis, but do not show symptoms. However, an affected man can pass yeast to a sexual partner.

What term means without symptoms?

Asymptomatic means to be without symptoms.

How long can you have chlamydia without having symptoms?

Studies show that adults can have chlamydia for years without any symptoms. It is possible to have a long-term infection without getting pain or discharge. In women, the rate of chlamydia without symptoms may be as high as 70%. It is believed that at least 50% of men with chlamydia may have no symptoms.A baby who gets chlamydia from the mother during birth can also have chlamydia for years without symptoms.But the infection is not "dormant", it can cause damage even without causing symptoms. Women who are later diagnosed with tubal infertility or ectopic pregnancy are three times more likely to have antibodies showing prior exposure to chlamydia, which suggests that they may have had damage to the tubes without having symptoms of pain.It is possible, but usually the symptoms will show up within several weeks.Virtually, this is highly unlikely.