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Ouch & soreness and some chance of infection, but probably no real dangers

MORE No, you can't (I had one) and you need to be more concerned about healing. I couldn't drive for a month let alone have sex. Infection would also be a worry along with the pain.
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11y ago
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11y ago

Yes the clitoris is not removed. Some research states that removal of the cervix does take away some of the climax others don;t and most research >80% of hysterectomised women were satisfied.

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16y ago

you still get aroused and the bartolin's glands secrete, but you don't have a physical orgasm. It's still can be satisfying and releasing.

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11y ago

Yes you should take advice from your doctor as to when to resume full intercourse. You don't want to undoall those stitches so let yourself heal fully first.It will be about six weeks.

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11y ago

When your doctor gives you the all clear. Usually about six weeks to give the wounds a chance to heal and stitches to dissolve

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13y ago

Yes. Hysterectomy removes the uterus. The vagina is virtually unchanged.

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15y ago

=== === * * * * * * === ===

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Q: Can you have orgasim after hysterectomy?
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You cannot get pregnant after a complete hysterectomy.

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Total Abdominal Hysterectomy

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About 30 minutes

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Sometimes, I always do

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What is a c-hysterectomy?

A hysterectomy that is done at the time of a c-section.