Radon is a cause of lung cancers, not for bronchitis.
Examples of lung ailments included Asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, lung cancer and many others.
1.Emphysema 2.Lung Cancer 3.Chronic Bronchitis
asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, and lung cancer
It causes bronchitis and lung cancer and heart disease.
- Cancer - Chronic Emphysema - Bronchitis
Yes, smoking can lead to lung disease. Some examples of diseases that may be smoking related are emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and lung cancer.
It depends on the type of bronchitis. If it is acute bronchitis then it is contraindicated. If it is chronic, and considered a COPD, then it is indicated in helping relieve sore chest muscles and also improving lung function by encouraging sputum.
there is definitly a correlation, but it is a relatively weak one; with the exception of cases in which you have already got a lung condition of some description, such as athsma or bronchitis which can be severely worsened by air pollution