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Did you have an ultrasound done? I had an ovum oblightum, I went in for my first ultrasound and they're was no baby, i went in for 2 more ultrasounds after that still no baby so i had a D&C done. I noticed that my pregnancy symptoms just started to vanish right around the time they said the pregnancy stopped growing. But if you had an ultra sound, they would of caught it.

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Q: Can you have blighted ovum at 11 weeks of pregnancy?
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What are the causes of having a blighted ovum?

I was still on the pill when I became pregnant in September 2007. The pregnancy felt normal and I was progressing on. I had my first u/s in the beginning of November and was told that I had a blighted ovum. I was devastated. You become a mother the minute you find out you are pregnant. I waited a week for the natural progression. I did not want to have a d-an-c so I waited. I spotted a bit and every time thought this is it. It was never that time- I ended up taking the pill. I took it about 3 pm one afternoon (I was told to take it in the afternoon so I am not up all night into the early morning)- very good advice. I started having contractions at 3:30 pm. That pill works fast! I had 8 hours of stomach pain (labor like). Do not take that pill alone- have someone with you to hold your hand. There is a lot of bleeding involved... and if you over bleed (fill up a pad in short period of time) go to the hospital. It did not go that far for me- thank god! I would say it was about 11 pm the same day that I went to sleep. The next morning I felt fine and at about 3 pm. I had the urge to go to the bathroom where I delivered a small sac. I didnt even look at it - I just thought it was amazing that my body was even doing this..... I thought it was all going to be just bleeding- not full on delivery.... it was crazy. I am doing well now- and have not conceived again as I am not sure I am ready. I am afraid this happens again even though I have choosen to stay off of the pill. I can say that hormones are not good for you and I would say that the pill can cause a blighted ovum or other chromosonal probelms.

What does it mean if the ultrasound shows a placenta and no baby?

This is most likely to be what is called a "Blighted Ovum". This is due to a chromosomal abnormality occurs in the early stages after conception. It is not dangerous usually but you may need a curette if it doesn't abort naturally. A blighted ovum does not contain an embryo and is only the placenta and sac. Do a Google search or ask your doctor for more info. It is unlikely to be ectopic or where a baby has actually died in utero (see bottom two answers). This is because the embryonic sac would not be empty and there would remain some evidence of an embryo. With a blighted ovum no true embryo existed.AnswerThis could be an ectopic pregnancy, where the egg implants itself outside the uterus, usually in the fallopian tube. This is not uncommon but is very dangerous and requires medical attention asap. AnswerUnfortunately if there is an empty pregnancy sac at 10 weeks the baby has died. An ectopic pregnancy does not produce an empty sac and it is usuallly apparent way before 10 weeks.AnswerI'm very sorry to hear about that - it does sound like a blighted ovum. And very hard to go through. I've had two confirmed blighted ovums, which unfortunately are due to chromosomal problems (usually this is the cause) the baby did not form past a certain point (which happens very early in the pregnancy) and was reabsorbed by the mothers body. Your body sometimes does not realize this has happened for quite a while (which would be a missed miscarriage). I didn't know I had a blighted ovum until I was in my fourth month the first time (when I went to the ER with slight bleeding) and I was 11 weeks pregnant the second time (and I had no idea that the baby had died until we had an ultrasound done at the first appt). I had to have a D & C for both of them, I guess my body just didn't want to let go. So anyway my point is - Don't believe people when they tell you that there was never a baby, because that is just hurtful and insensitive. This is very common but that doesn't make it hurt any less. And it doesn't make you feel better to think that there was never a baby. I have had a total of 3 miscarriages (this first one miscarried at 6wks) and consider myself the mother of 3 angel babies. On a good note - they usually have no bearing on your future pregnancies, because I'm pregnant again I'm at 9 wks and 6days today! This is a confirmed healthy pregnancy (I've had 2 ultrasounds already and have seen the heartbeat and seen the little peanut move around just last week). So good luck with your future pregnancies, everything will be fine!

Can you take humphrey 11 pills at 7 weeks to abort a pregnancy?

Humphrey 11 does not abort anything. Idk why people think this.

How long is 50 week?

11 and a half months (a year being 52 weeks) the average pregnancy lasts 40 weeks (9 months)

How long does meerkat pregnancy last for?

A Meerkat is pregnant for 11 weeks then gives birth to 2-4 pups.

Is it normal to show at only 11 weeks when this is you first pregnancy?

It will take you three to four months for your belly to show the sign.

How many weeks is a horse pregnant for?

A horse is pregnant for approximately 11 months, or about 340 days. This is equivalent to around 42 weeks of pregnancy.

Is it possible to pass blood clots during pregnancy and not miscarry?

Yes, it is possible. I had a sub chorionic bleed that caused cramping and bleeding, including passing clots, for about 3 weeks. My doctor monitored me with ultrasounds to confirm the pregnancy was viable and that I was not at risk of serious bleeding. I am currently 11 weeks pregnant and have not had any bleeding for approximately 2 weeks.

If you are 11 weeks pregnant and had a ultrasound and saw nothing on the ultrasound does it mean you are going to miss carry?

The first trimester of a pregnancy lasts up until week 12. If you are 11 weeks pregnant and you have a competent sonographer, there is NO WAY you could miss seeing an intrauterine pregnancy (a normal pregnancy inside the uterus). If you had an ultrasound and the sonographer didn't see anything (even as early as 5 or 6 weeks you should see a gestational sac) then you have probably miscarried already. Take another pregnancy test with your doctor's guidance. Another scenario that might come up (if your pregnancy test is still positive) is that you might have an ectopic pregnancy (where the egg implanted OUTSIDE of the uterus). This is fairly common but can be a serious disorder. The egg can implant anywhere in the pelvis or abdomen, but if you're 11 weeks along and you're not in a lot of pain, then that's probably unlikely. Go back and talk to your doctor.

Is there any way a woman could be pregnant 10 and a half to 11 months prior to delivery?

No. 37-42 weeks is the normal frame. About 44 weeks (10 months) is the longest verified pregnancy as the placenta starts to deteriorate after 42 weeks.

How old is 11 in weeks?

11 years is 573.95 weeks.

Can a baby be seen on ultrasound at 11 weeks without a heartbeat and be all right?

If the heartbeat is not visible at 11 weeks on an ultrasound, that would be cause for concern. The fetal heart begins beating approx. 22 days after implantation into the uterine lining. An ultrasound done at 6 weeks will confirm a viable pregnancy and you would be able to see the heart beating.