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While you are still getting your period, the first couple of years it can vary. You may get it one month, and for the next year not get it, or it can be there for 2 days, and then stop, and then a week later it will come back.

I would ask you doctor though, even just a call can help make sure that it is nothing serious.

Yeah if your periods have just started, or within the past few years at least, they'll probably be quite irregular but yes, you can have your period for more than a month. I have a uterine fibroid and had my period for almost 3 months straight.

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Q: Can you have a period for more than a month?
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If your period is a month late or you miss a period it can simply mean you didn't ovulate that month due to stress or ill health, there are various possible reasons. The odd late or absent period is nothing to worry about, if you miss more than three cycles in a row then see your doctor.

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