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If by scraped you mean a D&C (dilatation and curettage), then yes you can. Most women will not experience a decrease in fertility after D&C. However, this is a rare complication, usually after a more aggressive D&C/multiple D&Cs when the lining of the uterus (endometrium) is almost fully scraped off/scarred. Good luck!

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Q: Can you have a baby with a scraped uterus?
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If you are pregnant with twins and one dies and then you have a dnc can the other baby live?

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Can you have a baby with a scraped uterius?

The uterus is like a very flexible muscular bottle. As the baby decends it is possible for limbs etc to scape against the inside. However the inside of the uterus is heavily padded with a plush layer of blood vessels, mucus and birth water. This padding protects the uterus the same way bubble pack protects contents of a package. If you mean that you've had a procedure done to scrape the uterus for various reasons then yes, you can. The lining of the uterus is scraped away but grows back just like it does every month when you get your period.

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There was no choice in 1958. You either had the baby or went into an office up a dark alleyway. Had your uterus scraped and went home and cried.

Can you still have a baby when you do not have your uterus?

The baby is enclosed inside the uterus, that is where it gets it nourishment and where the egg attaches to! No uterus... NO BABY.

Can a fetus survive a curettage D and C procedure?

No. The entire uterus wall is scraped and sucked out.

Where the baby is developed?

in the uterus.

How far does the uterus have to expand for the baby to grow?

The uterus will expand until the baby is born!!!

Can you have a dnc while pregnant?

If you have a D and C while pregnant the fetus will be aborted. A D and C stands for the uterus to be dialated and the lining to be cut. or scraped to rid the uterus of the lining

How do you get a baby out?

When a baby is ready to be born, the mommy starts to feel labor contractions. The uterus squeezes and pushes the baby out of the uterus and into the world.

What does it mean to have a floppy uterus?

when a skinny girl has a fat baby and when it comes out, the baby stretches out the uterus, and makes it "floppy"

What area baby located?

The baby grows in the uterus.

Why is there is a bone in a women's uterus will stretch when you will born a baby?

There are no bones in the uterus.