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Babies in the womb are well protected from harm. It would take significant effort to harm the baby and in such circumstances the mother would probably be hurt too. Lesser shaking would certainly distress the baby and it should not be encouraged.

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16y ago
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14y ago

The baby is having hiccups.

YOu also are probably getting spermed. - which means you might have twins and your belly is really stretching. Just grasp it and make sure it doesn't wobble - especially if you are hdiing it.

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12y ago

ive once wondered about this too, but im 5 1/2 months pregnant and people would come up to me and shake my belly all crazy to wake the baby up so they can fill him kick. but later i would fill my baby kick all crazy afterwards like he was totally fine. ive read too online that its totally ok because there protected by so much stuff that it doesn't affect them one bit! :)

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14y ago

The body is designed incredibly well and the way that the baby is protected is absolutely incredible. There's plenty of layers of skin, fat, muscle, and various organs that protect your baby...

Uterus: Also called womb. It is a very strong muscle that surrounds the baby for protection during it's growth.

Abdominal muscles: Provide extra protection, support and insulation.

Amniotic fluid: The amniotic fluid itself provides a watery environment for the baby that helps to regulate temperature and equalize pressure from outside the womb.

Pubic Bone: The symphasis pubis is the front portion of the pelvis. Provides an anchor in the front for the muscles of the pelvic floor and also provides bony protection for the baby

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13y ago

It really depends on the cUrrency/voltage. I was zapped on my stomach by an electrical fence that surrounds cows. I leaned fwd to take a pic & my belly touched the fence. Scared me more than anything, but went to the er immediately, was monitored a few hours & everything was fine. My son is now 19 months old, & smarter than many adults i come across, haha! Def get checked out right away if this happens.

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14y ago

The baby is well protected so there's nothing to worry about. The woman might feel uncomfortable though if the baby is big bouncing against her organs.

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16y ago

Yes, it can.

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14y ago

You MUST be kidding. Don't do this.

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Q: Can you harm the baby by touching mothers belly?
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