If I understand the question, then you would be able to work if you suffered from Borderline Personality Disorder. The Mental Health Act 2007 ensures that people who suffer from mental illness have equal rights with regards to employment.
borderline personality disorder Not by a longshot.....Borderline personality disorder is a personality disorder that involves the thought processes of the individual who has it. There is no chemical component and, although meds can control some symptoms, they cannot manage all as is the case with bipolar disorder. Borderline personality disorder is difficult to cope with because it can mimic any and all psychiatric disorders, including bipolar disorder...but also schizophrenia, sociopathic, psychopathic, depressed, etc. Typically, there are lies and manipulation involved. There is more self-mutilation (basically, self-mutilators are diagnosed with this) and other self- destructive behaviors. YES, they can have mood swings, but much faster and more often that ohse with bipolar disorder. I don't know who answered this, but they are WRONG. Want examples? Go look up famous people with each disorder. You'll see....good luck!
Borderline personality disorders, although they cause social difficulties, can be hard to "treat." These disorders are usually diagnosed by a psychiatrist or a psychologist, and a prescription isn't necessarily prescribed. To "treat" personality disorders, patients often go through extensive counseling sessions.
Borderline personality disorders, although they cause social difficulties, can be hard to "treat." These disorders are usually diagnosed by a psychiatrist or a psychologist, and a prescription isn't necessarily prescribed. To "treat" personality disorders, patients often go through extensive counseling sessions.
Histrionic focuses on personalities which exhibit excessive attention seeking. Borderline personalities focus on destructive lack of emotional control. People with bpd (borderline personality disorder) and people with histrionic personality disorder both exhibit the inability to identify themselves without other people. People with a histrionic personlity disorder are known to go with what other people believe and basically adopt others viewpoints as their own without being able to logically intellectualize or really understand the actual details that go with whatever opinion or belief they make their own. Constantly need other's approval. Can't rely on their own judgments or ideas. Bpd's on the other hand, actually question what it is they do believe in and what their place in this world really is. Both personality types obviously lack the ability to identify themselves. However, those with bpd actually seem to question their chamillion like ways and perceptions.
Cluster A (classified as eccentric or odd): Paranoid/Schizoid/Schizotypal Cluster B (classified as erratic): Antisocial/Narcissistic/Histrionic/Borderline Cluster C (classified as anxious or fearful): Obsessive compulsive/Avoidant/Dependent NOS: Passive-Aggressive/Depressive Hope that helps :]
That depends on how it affects you. Borderline Personality Disorder can be mild, moderate or severe like any condition although the depressive side of it can be an intense dysphoria. A psychiatric assessment is probably the way to go, to officially decide whether it has disabled you or not.
For sure the affects will be negative mostly and the person with such disorder could cause damages on other innocent life and feelings even if is "not unintentionally". ---------------------------------------- Consider what BPD is all about. It's about abandonment and rejection. Many children who go on to develop BPD have been abused. I can only imagine a child with BPD can only be made even worse by abuse. It is a common feature to be found in the childhood of many borderline adults.
Medications are always recommended by most doctors, but with commitment, one may be able to go to dialectical behavoural therapy. It would come at a price, but you'd certainly be beneficial compared to the harmful side effects of some drugs.
Personality disorders are a group of serious mental disturbances that affect the life of sufferers and their loved ones. Personality disorders are notorious for the damage that they do to relationships. This is a brief overview of major personality disorders. There are effective treatments for all of these disorders, though it can be extremely difficult to convince those with personality disorders to seek treatment. Avoidant Avoidant personality disorder is manifested by the avoidance of social situations due to a sense of extreme inferiority. Borderline personality disorder People with this disorder are impulsive, lack a cohesive sense of self, and struggle to maintain relationships. They are often in and out of relationships and in turmoil when dating someone. Histrionic personality disorder People with this disorder try to get attention at all costs, no matter how odd the scheme might be. There is a history of extreme emotionality that is inappropriate. Narcissistic personality disorder When someone has this type of disorder, they have a feeling that they are better than others. Their belief if their abilities are usually much grander than the abilities that they actually have. Causes of personality disorders can be biological and genetic or social. Each person’s circumstances are different and there is no one definitive cause of personality disorders. What is known as that it’s usually a combination of biological and environmental factors. Each of these disorders is treatable, yet they are some of the most difficult to treat disorders because people with personality disorders typically don’t realize there’s anything wrong with them. Narcissists don’t understand what they’re doing wrong. People with borderline personality are unable to perceive their actions as irrational. The result is that people with these kinds of disorder frequently go without help for years until they’ve suffered from the other repercussions of the disorder, which is frequently substance abuse or violent episodes, for some of the disorders. When someone is diagnosed with a personality disorder, there will be therapy available to help them form a more cohesive personality with more realistic expectations and beliefs about the self. Feelings of inadequacy, or grandiosity, will be replaced with a more middle-of-the road view of self that is healthy.
Borderline personality disorder is a person with sudden mood swings, self distructive behavior and very manipulative. Dependent personality disorder is to be fully dependent on a person and to literally focus your life around that person. People with borderline personality disorder (bpd) fear separation as much as people with dependent personality disorder. However, the bpd individual has more "unstable patterns of social relationships". They go from feelings of extreme love and admiration towards loved ones, (which is considered idealization), to the opposite extreme of intense anger and dislike, (termed devaluation). Specifically, one minute, those with bpd are able to form an intense attachment to someone. The next minute, when something happens like a separation the bpd individual believes the other person doesn't care, and loses trust. Responding by rejecting before being rejected, yet still not wanting to be alone. In short, those with a dependent personality disorder could not even fathom the thought of losing someone. Rejection for them is not an option. In fact, these people are known to do whatever it takes to keep whoever they are depended on in their lives, even if it hurts them to do so. Both personality disorders are more common in women than men.
Yes,Pathological Jealousy, sometimes called delusional jealousy, is when a person holds a belief, which is wrong, that a partner (e.g. huband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend) is being unfaithful to them.The person usually goes to great lengths to find evidence that this is the case, and will often draw mistaken conclusions from events, or objects that they think are evidence, even when they are obviously not.It is classed under a group of Disorders known as the Delusional Paranoid Disorders.Answer:Yes, it is very common.People with Borderline Personality Disorder are the most sensitive when it comes to their "caregivers" or the people who are the most important to them in life. They get jealous very easily, especially if they have to be separated by this person due to someone that is insignificant to them, they find this very frustrating, and may become impulsive and dangerous to try and avoid this real or imaged abandonement.But basically if you are a major part of the borderline's life, they will always be jealous of anyone else you encounter, even from day to day. They usually expect you to be perfect, and only focus on them, which is impossible. So, they feel that you are wronging them and get very hostile.It is important for these people to go to therapy and even take medications. Borderline Personality Disorder usually doesnt just go away or subside, because most of these people develop this disorder from a painful or difficult childhood.
Go with how you feel about this person. You can't totally judge them unless you have a "real" reason not to trust them, but how you feel about someone the first time you meet them is usually right. Just be cautious and watch that person around you and the people you care about. People suffering from mental health disorders often provoke feelings of unease and "eeriness" in others. It is very normal to have instintive, eerie and irritating feelings about someone even if they appear friendly and everyone speaks highly of them. We often respond to subtle behavioral cues, possibly on a subconscious level. These "eerie and irritating" reactive feelings constitute part of our survival instinct and should not be ignored! Yes, it is normal. Never ignore your gut instinct. Stalkers and the Borderline Personality The Borderline Personality In recent years psychologists have learned about and done case studies on a new personality disorder which the DSM-III-R classifies as an Axis II disorder- the Borderline Personality . This classification includes such personality disorders as the Anti-social Personality, the Histrionic Personality and the Narcissistic Personality. Several psychologists (including myself) diagonosed my stalker as afflicted with the Borderline Personality. Characteristic of the Borderline (derived from research done by Kreisman & Straus, 1989) are: a shaky sense of identity sudden, violent outbursts oversensitivity to real or imagined rejection brief, turbulent love affairs frequent periods of intense depression eating disorders, drug abuse, and other self-destructive tendencies an irrational fear of abandonment and an inability to be alone Not much research has been done on the Borderline Personality, and for many years it was difficult to diagnose- and to treat. A Borderline often feels as though his/her life is marked with a distinctive emptiness; a void in which a relationship often acts to fill. Many times the Borderline is a victim of an early dysfunctional family situation and/or emotional/physical abuse by those he/she trusted early on in childhood. The Borderline is psychotic , in the original, psychological meaning of the term: he/she is not in control and not in touch with reality. To the Borderline, a softly spoken word of advice can be construed as a threat on his/her emotional stability. An outsider's viewpoint that the Borderline is not in touch with reality often ends in a bitter and irrational dissassociation from the outsider on the part of the Borderline. Often, the Borderline ends up very much alone and victim to his/her disillusions. The Borderline stalker is very apt to see his/her actions as perfectly justified; he/she has paranoid disillusions which support these-often with disturbing frequency. The Borderline often has brief love affairs which end abruptly, turbulently and leave the Borderline with enhanced feelings of self-hatred, self-doubt and a fear that is not often experienced by rational people. When the Borderline's relationships turn sour, the Borderline often begins to, at first, harass the estranged partner with unnecessary apologies and/or apologetic behavior (i.e. letters of apology 'from the heart', flowers delivered at one's place of employment, early morning weeping phonecalls, etc.). However, the Borderline does not construe his/her behavior as harassment- to the Borderline he/she is being 'responsible' for his/her past behaviors. The next phase of the Borderline Personality develops relatively quickly and soon he/she feels suddenly betrayed, hurt, etc. and seeks to victimize the estranged partner in any way he/she can Strangely enough, this deleterious behavior is always coupled with a need to be near or in constant contact with the estranged partner . While sending threats to the estranged partner, it is very common for the Borderline to begin to stalk his/her estranged partner in an effort to maintain contact. This effort is motivated by the excruciating fear that the Borderline will end up alone and anger that [the estranged partner] has put him/her in this position. We are finding, in many cases, that a great deal of stalking behavior is associated with Borderline or related personality disorders. Earlier research did not incorporate the Borderline Personality in stalking profiles; research now is beginning to focus on the Borderline in such disorders as Erotomania, etc.