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Q: Can you go through menopause if your on Mirena?
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Is it healthier to go through menopause in your fifties?

That is usually the time people go through menopause. Between 48-52.

Will I still go through menopause with a partial hysterectomy?

If you still have your ovaries, you should go through menopause at the normal time for you. With a full hysterectomy, you will experience "surgical menopause."

Does men go through menopause?


When does a cat reach menopause?

Female cats don't go through menopause.

Do female dogs go through menopause and will you cause aggressive behavior around other female dogs?

no they dont go through the menopause

Can you go through menopause twice?

You can certainly go through seasons & cycles & have hot flashes at different times in your life but Menopause is a one way trip.

Can you go through menopause after full hysterectomy?

Yes the hysterectomy alone is removal of the uterus and it is the ovaries failing as you get older that causes menopause. Youl will go into immediate menopause if you have you ovaries removed and are premenopausal

What age can you go through the change of life?

Most women go through menopause between the ages of 45 and 55, with the average age being 51. However, menopause can occur earlier (before 40) in some cases, referred to as premature menopause. The transition period leading up to menopause is called perimenopause.

When does menopause occur?

On average, menopause occurs at 51 years of age. This is only an average, and many women go through menopause earlier or later than that. It can occur anywhere between 40 and 60 years of age. If it is earlier than 40, then it is considered early menopause. Some women go through menopause because of surgery or because it's chemically induced. Women who smoke tend to go through menopause a little earlier than others. Menopause is said to occur after 12 consecutive months with no period.

How old should you be to have Mirena c oil taken out?

There is no minimum age of having the Mirena IUD removed. Women have it removed when they are seeking pregnancy, when they no longer need it (e.g. menopause), or when they have had it in for five years and need a new IUD or new method.

How menopause can be preventive?

Like death & Taxes, it's coming and you cant get out of it, No Hall Pass for menopause. You can reduce the symptoms with Hormone Replacement Therapy, but that fertile cycle in your life will end & the periods will go away & you will go through Menopause.

How old is the oldest person to go through menopause?

62 years old.