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Giving A Cold BackIf you are asking if you can give the cold back to the person that gave it to you so you will not be sick, the answer is no.

If you are asking if you can give the same cold virus back to the person who originally gave it to you, then also no, since they will have immunity from having had that same cold virus infection recently.

But, cold and flu viruses mutate rapidly. If the virus has mutated while inside you to a new form, by altering its proteins on the capsid (cover of the virus), then, yes, it could give the person who gave you the original cold virus the new form of that virus, which may make them sick again. However, if the new mutated virus is similar enough to the original form, then the body may have some "carry over" protection. But usually it is seen by the body as a brand new strain and then the person would become ill again with a new cold caused by the new mutated virus.

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it depends

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