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Yes, some worms can get under the skin. Ringworms and hook worms are prime examples of worms that may get under the skin.

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Q: Can you get worms under your skin?
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Can Parasites live under your skin?

Yes they can live under your skin and in your body!

Will an antimicrobial soap kill worms under the skin?

Soap cleans the outside of your skin, not the inside.

Why dont worms come out in the sun?

Worms do not come out in the sun because if they do come out in the sun, their skin will dry out. And if worms skin drys out they cannot breath and will die. The reason they would not be able to breath is because worms observe oxygen from the moist on their skin.

Do skin on worms make good epithelial surfaces?

Skin is technical term used for Vertebrates only , worms possess integument which is epithelial and different in different worms .

Are worms asexually?

no Worms reproduce by sexual reproduction, when they get under each other's skin, then release the sperm and egg cells.

How big are ring worms?

there is no such thing as a "ring worm". the infection known as ring worm is actually fungus that grows under your skin.

What mite or bugs get under human skin?

Scabies mites are known to burrow under human skin, causing an itchy rash. Other bugs like ticks and certain types of parasitic worms can also penetrate the skin and cause infections. If you suspect you have a bug or mite under your skin, it's important to seek medical attention for proper diagnosis and treatment.

How to get rid of worms under your skin?

Apply tree oil to the spot with a cotton ball. Or mix bleach and water 50/50 and do the same.

Why do frogs and worms have so many capillaries in this skin and humans do not?

Frogs and worms do have in their skins than humans because they breathe through the skin.

What is mange and where can I find information about it?

Mange is a class of skin disease usually found in dogs caused by parasitic worms burrowing under the skin. Information on the disease can be garnered by contacting a local veterinarian.

What are colored worms coming out of skin?


Why do worms have rings?

worms have rings because its the tip of skin they have like people. shine a bright light on ur thumb and you will see a swerly skin.