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It appears that trichomoniasis is one of the few STDs that can be caught through other means as well. Although the protozoan dies rapidly in dry conditions, it appears that you can be infected by sharing a washcloth with an infected person, or possibly by having your genitals come into contact with someone else's infected genital discharge.

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It appears that trichomoniasis is one of the few STDs that can be caught through other means as well. Although the protozoan dies rapidly in dry conditions, it appears that you can be infected by sharing a washcloth with an infected person, or possibly by having your genitals come into contact with someone else's infected genital discharge.

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The parasite is spread through sexual contact.

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Q: Can you get trichomoniasis from sharing underwear?
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Can you get trichomoniasis from sharing a cigarette?

No, you can't get trichomoniasis from sharing a cigarette.

Can you get reinfected with trichomoniasis from your own underwear?

Routine laundry will easily kill trichomoniasis on your underwear. Also, it won't live long if dried out. Reinfection with your own clothes is impossible.

Can you get trichomoniasis from sharing a washcloth?

Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted infection caused by a parasite and is typically transmitted through sexual contact. It is unlikely to be transmitted through sharing a washcloth, as the parasite does not survive long outside the body.

Is Trichomoniasis communicable?

Yes, trichomoniaisis is communicable. You can get it from sex with an infected partner. It's also possible that you can get it from sharing a wet washcloth with someone who is infected.

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Can you get trichomoniasis from sharing a drink or cigarette?

HPV is usually passed by some sort of sexual contact. A person needs to either have sex with someone who has the virus or have some sort of skin to skin contact with the area (warts). A person can NOT get HPV from sitting on a toilet seat, shower, sharing drinks or food, a pool, etc. Check out this site for more information on HPV:

Can trichomoniasis be passed to your children?

Trichomoniasis is not typically passed from mother to child during childbirth. However, in rare cases, it is possible for a pregnant woman to pass the infection to her baby during delivery, resulting in a condition called neonatal trichomoniasis.

Is sharing underwear bad?

its always bad, because it is always unhygenic, no matter how many times you wash your underwear.......wat possible good reason is there?

Can a married couple have trichomoniasis without cheating?

It appears that trichomoniasis is one of the few STDs that can be caught through other means as well. Although the protozoan dies rapidly in dry conditions, it appears that you can be infected by sharing a washcloth with an infected person, or possibly by having your genitals come into contact with someone else's infected genital discharge.

What is the most common route of transmission of Trichomoniasis?

It appears that trichomoniasis is one of the few STDs that can be caught through other means as well. Although the protozoan dies rapidly in dry conditions, it appears that you can be infected by sharing a washcloth with an infected person, or possibly by having your genitals come into contact with someone else's infected genital discharge.

What std can be transmitted by a damp towel?

It is thought that trichomoniasis may rarely be transmitted by sharing wet washcloths or towels. Typical transmission, though, is through sexual intercourse.