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can you die from swine flu?

Not necesarily a person that had the Swine Flu is inmune this year. The flus have been mutating and a vaccine has to be updated everyyear. This flu promises a good deal of trouble for humanity.

The first day the swine flu got to Mexico, there were 20 cases registered. During the first 24 hours, 100 people had died and it has spread to 23 countries. This means the statistics on this flu is changing every day.

The Iraq War did not kill 100 American soldiers in one day. This is becoming very ugly.

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13y ago
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14y ago
i have just been diagnosed with swine flu and asked my doctor the same thing and she said that it has not been determined that yetAnswer:H1N1 works the same way as other flus when it comes to vaccination. You are vaccinated for this time, but next time it comes around it has changed and new vaccine is needed. That is why ppl get vaccinated each year for ordinary flu.
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13y ago

We usually are only sick from one type of flu at a time. So an otherwise healthy person probably won't be sick with the swine flu at the same time they have the regular flu. But after you are over the regular flu, you could get the swine flu if exposed and if you did not get the vaccination to prevent it.

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13y ago

Every exposure to a flu virus will provide lifetime immunity against that exact type of flu in an otherwise healthy person, and so does exposure to the virus in the swine flu shot.

However, a virus can mutate (change), even over a matter of weeks. It is possible, then, to get that new form of the flu, but it is not exactly the same flu. Sometimes if the virus mutated into a form that is not too different from the original one that gave you immunity, your prior exposure will still protect you.

If you aren't 100% sure that the type of flu you had was the same strain of flu that is in the flu vaccine (from having had lab tests to type the virus that caused your flu infection), then it is best to get the vaccination anyway. It won't hurt to have another dose, and it may protect you against a slightly different form.

In the 2010-2011 flu season in the Northern Hemisphere, the US annual seasonal flu vaccine contains the swine flu vaccine. So it is not necessary this year to get a separate shot for the swine flu like in the 2009 pandemic.

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13y ago

Once you have had the swine flu, you will have immunity. The question may be: was it the swine flu that you had for sure? If you did not have testing to prove that you had that specific strain of flu virus, then you may not have. Then you would only be immune to the type of flu you had.

Some forms of immunity last a life time and some immunity decreases with time. The vaccinations for swine flu do create immunity, but flu vaccinations might be less effective over time. That is one reason seasonal flu shots are needed each year.

Even if you think you had the swine flu, it is still wise to get the annual flu shot for the 2011-2012 flu season now (in the fall) and then you can be sure of the immunity since this year's seasonal flu shot also includes the vaccine for the swine flu. You will also receive the vaccine for two other flu viruses that are expected to be circulating this flu season. Better safe than sorry.

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14y ago

yes you can get it again but this time the possibility is lower

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