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it depends on what kind of antibiotic you are taking. if it is the right kind then no

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Q: Can you get strep thoat if you are already on a antibotic?
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Is strep thoat contigous?

Yes, until you go 24 hours on an antibiotic -person with strep at the moment

If you have strep throat but am running temp of 97.5 What does this mean?

It just means you have a sore thoat but dont have strep throat. You probly just ate something spicy and your thoat is reacting to it in a way that is making it sore.

Can you catch strep throat if taking ery-tab antibotic?

If you are taking erythromycin 250 mg three times a day, daily, you will not catch the strep throat.

My brother had strep throat and I was around him quite a bit and now I have a sore throat runny nose sore joints headache genrally ache I don't know if its just a flu or strep thoat etc whats wrong?

The only way to know for sure (and to treat) strep is to go to a doctor, however if you see white blotches in the back of your throat then it is probably strep.

Does strep thoat have a cilia?

Strep throat is a disease not a bacteria. However the bacteria that causes the disease is called strep throat is caused by group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus ( S. pyogenes). Other bacteria such as non–group A beta-hemolytic streptococci and fusobacterium may also cause pharyngitis ("strep throat"). It is a Gram+ bacterium that looks like a string of pearls under the microscope and it has no cilia.

Can you die from sore throat?

A person who is otherwise healthy shouldn't die of strep throat. However, in people with other conditions or a weak immune system, the infection can spread, or it can trigger other conditions, and lead to death.

What did people take for strep thoat?

Go to the doctors office and see what you can take. If you can't afford it, just take some ibuprofen and eat some ice cream. Maybe try some hot tea. It'll go away soon.

How do you say anginas in English?

If you mean the throat infection by angina, in English it is called Strep Thoat.

What is pharynx is also known as?


What is the source of the antibotic pennicillin?

A fungus.

What is androzit in English?

Zitromax antibotic

Why does my thoat and ear hurt?

Because your a sissy