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You shouldn't be having sex or be on the pill if you're so young that you haven't bad your first period yet.

That being said, in most cases you cant get pregnant before you have your period.

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It's possible.

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Q: Can you get pregnant even if you have never had a period?
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Can tyou get pregnant even if you've never got your period?

NO!!!!!! NO!!!!!! NO!!!!!!

Can you have period pain if your pregnant?

yes. you can even have your period while youre pregnant

Can you get pregnant the same week your period ends?

Yes you can get pregnant the same time your period ends. You can even get pregnant while you are on your period

Will birth control force you to get your period even when you're pregnant?

No it will not. If you become pregnant, you will most likey not get a period, even if you are on birth control.

If you have your period the day after you have unprotected sex can you still get pregnant?

YES. Even if you're actually on your period, you can get pregnant.

Can you have a last period before pregnancy?

Most people have a last period before they are pregnant. Some even have a period while they are pregnant.

What if your period never came back on after sex it was spotting here and there but not a period?

you might be pregnant

If you get your period a week late do you ovulate a week late even if you have never been late before and you have followed the rythym method for a whole year and never got pregnant?

if your period is late one week that means you ovulated late

Is it possible to get pregnant if you intercourse after period?

Yes, it is very possible to get pregnant anytime you have intercourse. VERY RARELY do women even get pregnant while on their period.

Is it possible to get pregnant if you don't have a period and never did anything with a guy?


Is pregnancy possible a day after period ends?

It is even possible to get pregnant on your period.

Is it possible to get pregnant if you don't have your period and never did anything with a guy?

You cannot get pregnant without a male.