Yes you can.
During a D&C only the endometirum of the uterus is effected. Since this is normally replaced every month there is no effect on future pregnancies.
Yes, its entirely possible to fall pregnant straight after a DNC.
Yes, this method is what is used when a woman has had a miscarriage and they usually have no problem getting pregnant afterwards.
No. I have known plenty of women that have had DNC's and have many kids now. NO! I had 2 of them and I had 2 more kids afterwards. No.
NO! If you want to stay pregnant, you can't have a D and C during pregnancy.
That can only be answered by a health care provider after a review of your individual history.
U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz is the current chairperson of the DNC. The DNC chairperson is elected by the DNC members.
If you have a D and C while pregnant the fetus will be aborted. A D and C stands for the uterus to be dialated and the lining to be cut. or scraped to rid the uterus of the lining
how could the other baby live if your uterus is being scraped?
the dnc is held in march
please call your doctor! you could have an infection.
There are no risks afterwards assuming a skilled doctor did it. It's like when you get your period and the lining of the uterus sheds and then heals.
a dedicated computer control the machine tool in CNC and in DNC a no: of machines are controlled by a central computer.
The most notable DNC ruling in Florida history has concerned delegates. The DNC ruled they will pledge 185 delegates and 26 super delegates.
A D&C would not cause blocked fallopian tubes. If you got pregnant, at least one of your tubes was not blocked.