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You can experience morning sickness as early as 2-3 weeks into your pregnancy.

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Q: Can you get morning sickness a few days after conception?
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If you throw up and you dont eat for few days is you pregnant?

Not exactly, no. That is not a true sign of pregnancy. Morning sickness can be a sign, but not a lack of appetite.

Can you have morning sickness then not have it at all?

Yes. Sometimes you have a lot of morning sickness and other times, hardly any. It usually stops after a few weeks.

How many days conception takes place?

Anywhere from a few hours to five days after intercourse.

Can you have morning sickness only for one day?

In early pregnancy it is possible, but it would not be a real common thing. But every woman is different, as are her pregnancies. It might be a one day thing if your body has just detected you are pregnant and are producing high or fluctuating levels of HCG (human chorionic gonadotopin), which is a pregnancy hormone that is believed to be one of the main causes of morning sickness. Sometimes morning sickness will come only once or twice, then nothing for a few weeks, but then it really kicks in. Like the calm before the storm, so to speak. With my first pregnancy I had exactly two little waves of nausea a few days apart during the third or fourth week. That was it! Why not just take a home pregnancy test and get it over with so you will know whether to watch for more symptoms or not? Some people experience no morning sickness ever. if you really feel that you are having morning sickness, then just take a test and find out for sure if you are pregnant and that could be what is causing your symptoms. Take a test. Not everyone gets morning sickness.

Is it vomiting necessary in pregnancy?

Yes. Morning sickness (the usual cause of vomiting during pregnancy) is usual in most pregnant women, although a lucky few may never experience morning sickness. Courtesy of Duke_Rollter, question answerer extraordinaire

What are some of the symptoms of pregnancy?

I heard that a few pounds may be gained, morning sickness, sensitivity in the breasts, frequent urination.

How many days before your period that a preganany test can come up positive?

its more about when conception happened. 2 weeks after conception take a test. usually tests will tell you a few days after missed period.

Does everybody vomit during pregnancy and feel tired and not like any food at all and smells make them sick but they do not vomit at five to six weeks pregnant?

I am almost 6 weeks pregnant. I've been vomiting about 3 times a day for the last 5 days. I just took an Ester C vitamin (1000mL), it's a big vitamin C tablet. I bought it at CVS. I felt much better after an hour. Vitamin C isn't for everyone, that is, too much isn't safe for the baby. From what I am seeing on the internet you can have morning sickness as soon as 1 week after conception and there after, it can happen in the morning, afternoon or evening. There are several sites out there that can give you more info as well as ways to help curb it. I would suggest you do a search on the internet if you do not get any responses. You can get sick from the day of conception to 1-3 week after conception, every woman is different, some women don't even experience morning sickness at all It varies, some women never get it while others will get it throughout their whole pregnancy. I didn't get morning sickness until I was 3 months along and from then to 8 months. I hated the smell of meat cooking and also when my fiance sprayed aftershave. :P For me it was morning, noon and night for the first 3 months. I think the term, morning sickness is because the most women tend to have it in the morning but from personal experience I can tell you it is not exclusive to morning. I would say to discuss it with your doctor. He or she would know more about it. Good luck getting through that one. It is no fun to be puking like we do when we are pregnant. I was so glad when that part was past and the rest of the pregnancy was a piece of cake. Usually within a couple of weeks or more. But all women are different. Some never get it. Some only get it for a few weeks when they are a couple of months pregnant. My mom knew she was pregnant with me within the first 5 days because she was throwing up like crazy. So I suspect it's vastly different for everyone. Only about 30% of women get morning nausea, not every one vomits. I got evening nausea with my first and nothing with my second, my sister-in-law was nauseous and vomiting all day with both her pregnancies. Some people start to feel morning sickness within a few days, and some never get morning sickness. Regardless, it usually disappears by the 4th or 5th month. If you're nauseous in the morning and have at least 1 other symptom like soreness of the breasts or a late period, I would take a home pregnancy test ASAP. Everyone is different. I only started my morning sickness at week 7,until the 14- 15 week. That all really depends but it only took a month for it to hit me. Some women are lucky and don't get it. I started to experience morning sickness about 3 or 4 weeks after conception. It wasn't in the morning though. It usually happens if my stomach is going on empty I get queasy. I just have to make sure I eat a little something, often:) As early as two weeks after conception. Many women don't get any morning sickness but if you do it usually starts around the time of a missed period. In my first pregnancy I would have nausea (no sickness) in the evenings, and in my second I had none at all (and it was twins). Around six weeks the average. However everyone is different! Some can start few days after conception some will never have it! Your symptoms of pregnancy will usually appear anywhere from the first week of your expected period to 1-2 weeks after your first week of expected period. Your first signs of pregnancy most commonly include missed period, tender/swollen breasts, change in color of the breasts, fatigue, nausea/vomiting, increased sense of smell, and weight gain. Some women who are extremely sensitive to the pregnancy hormones can feel queasy from around the time of the first missed period or a few days before. Between five to seven weeks is a common time to start feeling ill. Not everyone does, however, so if it hasn't begun by around eight to ten weeks, it may not be a problem at all. When You are pregnant it doesn't necessarily have to be in the morning. I was supposed to get my period 2 days ago. I haven't yet. I am also experiencing morning sickness, hunger, breast are a little tender and head aches. I have even had what seems to be period cramps. My period is never late and the cramps usually indicate it is starting. I went to my doctor yesterday. The urine test was negative so I then went to the hospital to have a blood test. I haven't gotten the results but my doctor explained that it may not say I am because some women actually have to be 1 1/2 to 2 months pregnant before a blood test will even show it. I am to repeat the blood test for the next three weeks if they come back negative because my doctor says it is highly unlikely that I am faking or my mind is tricking me into morning sickness. I would say I am pregnant and so are you. The term morning sickness is actually kind of confusing for people because you can get morning sickness at any time during the day or evening. Some people have sickness for just a couple months, but some last for the entire pregnancy. It varies from person to person and pregnancy to pregnancy. Around 2-4 weeks after conception but sometimes longer. Not every women has morning sickness.

If you are twelve weeks pregnant when was conception?

Twelve weeks and few days - sometimes 1 but sometimes 6.

What is the gestation for pot belly pigs?

They are born 3 months, 3 weeks, and a few days after conception.

Is there any give or take days with the conception date?

Yes, the estimated conception date is often out by a couple of days. Therefore, we say that it is give or take a few days. The reason it can be wrong is because all women ovulate at a slightly different time in their cycle.

Are there any home remedies for morning sickness?

Many women swear by ginger to ease their morning sickness while pregnant. It can be found at health stores in several forms including a delicious, chewy candy. Other women find that eating a few saltine crackers will help.