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i guess you can

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Q: Can you get lung cancer if you hold cigarette smoke in your mouth after inhaling?
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Is inhaling a cigarette like smoking it?

You can inhale the cigarette smoke, but not the cigarette. To smoke is to inhale the smoke when it's in your lips. You also can inhale the smoke when the cigarette smoke is near to your nose, or through your open mouth. But never try to do it. Smoking is very harmful.

How to smoke?

You smoke by inhaling from the filter end of a cigarette.

Can smoking give you nose cancer?

you can smoke a cigarette,and people take smoke out of their nose instead of their mouth

Can you get gland cancer from not inhaling?

You can get mouth cancer, tongue cancer and cancer of the throat from not inhaling. People who do not inhale usually use stronger forms of nicotine products, such as cigars, or else they hold the smoke in their mouth longer than inhalers. Don't say you don't smoke for the nicotine. Why would you spend the money and put up with the smell otherwise?

If you can't breathe is it smart to light up a cigarette?

no, inhaling smoke, especially cigarette smoke will only make it worse.

Do cigarettes cause lung infections?

Cigarettes can cause more than lung infections. They can cause cancer, and even death. Cigarette smoke is just as bad as smoke from a fire, and with cigarettes, you are inhaling that smoke. The smoke from the cigarette can also cause cells to die, which is not good at all.

What are the effects of tobacco smoke on human gas exchange system?

To the nonsmokers who are exposed in inhaling the cigarette smoke have a high risk of lung cancer and respiratory diseases.

Is it recommended to smoke in unventilated rooms?

No, because you will suffocate by inhaling sa smoke of a cigarette. And it will lead you to lung problem.

What is the probability that smokers will get lung cancer compared to non-smokers?

You can't catch cancer from a smoker. But you can be at risk from inhaling the smoke that comes from the end of a burning cigarette. This is called second hand smoke. The longer you are exposed to the smoke, the higher your risk factor will be.

Does exposure to secondhand smokes carries the same long-term health risks as smoking?

Short answer: yes. Long answer, inhaling cigarette smoke is bad, inhaling diluted cigarette smoke is less bad -- but given ten years, not good.

How does a person smoke marijuana?

By putting pieces if the dried marihuana in a pipe or rolling it into a cigarette, lighting it on fire and inhaling the smoke.

Can cigarette smoke cause tongue cancer?

yes it can